June 18, 2007 1:25 PM
Move I: The MIT Architecture Studio
While the finishing touches are being placed on GAMBIT's lab space in Kendall Square, we're squatting in the MIT Architecture Studio. Today was our move-in day, as each of our six teams (seven, if you count our crack team of audio specialists) staked claim to a corner of this massive room tucked behind the dome at 77 Massachusetts Avenue. The space is enormous and industrial, with sawdust on the floor, huge wheeled bulletin boards acting as subdividers, and giant glass garage doors lining one of the walls. Through the windows opposite the garage doors we can see the other dome atop building 10, which gives the space the unique feeling of an artist's loft with academia peering in the window.
As I write this, GAMBIT primary investigator and CMS co-founder Henry Jenkins is addressing the students, explaining his vision for the role that GAMBIT will play in the development of innovative game development around the world. There's a palpable sense of excitement in the air here, a little of which is captured in the most recent photos uploaded to our Flickr page. The bulletin boards are mostly empty for now, and the space is still as white as an empty page in a sketchbook, but I fully expect that to change in the next week or so as early concept art, maps and notes begin to appear. Stay tuned!