- 10-23-2012: Next steps, and a final report!
- 09-14-2012: 7 new games to play from our Summer 2012 session!
- 09-14-2012: Games By The Book: Videogame Adaptations of Literary Works in at the Hayden Library
- 09-10-2012: A Closed World selected for IndieCade!
- 07-19-2012: Last Chance! Come Test Games at the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab - Thursday, July 26 at 6:30pm!
- 07-13-2012: The Snowfield featured in GDMag!
- 07-09-2012: Come Test Games at the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab - Thursday, July 12 at 6:30pm!
- 06-29-2012: Thoughts on Procedural Content Generation
- 06-12-2012: Ten Years of Civ II: Why Procedurality is Insufficient yet Critical
- 06-05-2012: Friday Games @ GAMBIT - Starcraft 2
- 05-24-2012: Friday Games @ GAMBIT - Artemis
- 05-23-2012: Dark Dot at IndieCade showcase at E3
- 05-22-2012: Board Game Criticism Done Right
- 05-17-2012: Friday GAMES at GAMBIT 5/18: The Diablo Franchise
- 05-09-2012: Friday Games at GAMBIT 5/11: Step up to the Gayme Bar
- 05-08-2012: Video: A GAMBIT Class: CMS.611 Creating Video Games: Featuring Alex Schwartz, Owlchemy Labs
- 05-04-2012: Friday Games at GAMBIT 5/4: Xenogears and Onward!
- 04-30-2012: First Annual Gayme Jam! May 12, 2012
- 04-26-2012: Friday Games: Lockpicking Workshop
- 04-23-2012: Video: A GAMBIT Class: CMS.611 Creating Video Games: Featuring Dan Krikorian, Harmonix Music Systems
- 04-23-2012: Last chance to pre-reg for "Do It Yourself Game Design"
- 04-19-2012: Friday Games: GAMBIT Game Night at the MIT Museum
- 04-13-2012: Friday Games: MolyJam 2012
- 03-30-2012: GOTW: Squeezicks More Concept Art
- 03-29-2012: Friday Games: The Pirate Kart! 2012-in-One Glorious Developers Konference Kollection
- 03-28-2012: GOTW: Squeezicks Concept Art
- 03-27-2012: Video: Making Games at MIT, A Panel Discussion From February 24th, 2012
- 03-27-2012: International Hokra Association Northeast Regional Championships
- 03-26-2012: GOTW: Squeezicks
- 03-23-2012: GOTW: Eksa Design Documents
- 03-22-2012: Friday Games @ GAMBIT - A History of Matt
- 03-22-2012: Do It Yourself Game Design: Pre-registration
- 03-22-2012: Cambridge Science Festival 2012
- 03-21-2012: GOTW: Eksa Concept Art
- 03-20-2012: Video: CMS.616J Social and Cultural Facets of Digital Games with Sean Plott (Day[9]), Alex Garfield and Cara LaForge
- 03-19-2012: GOTW: Eksa
- 03-16-2012: GOTW: Stranded Design Documents
- 03-15-2012: Equal Pay Game Jam, March 24-25 - Sign up now!
- 03-15-2012: Friday Games @ GAMBIT - A Journey Through thatgamecompany
- 03-14-2012: GOTW: Stranded in Singapore Concept Art
- 03-13-2012: Video: Spacewar! Turns 50: MIT Celebrates Its First Computer Game at the MIT Museum
- 03-12-2012: GOTW: Stranded in Singapore
- 03-09-2012: GOTW: Snowfield Music Video
- 03-08-2012: GAMBIT's Crappy Game Complaining Marathon Raises Over $4500.00 For The Boys and Girls Club Cambridge Clubhouse
- 03-07-2012: GOTW: Snowfield Part 2 - Concept Art
- 03-05-2012: GOTW: The Snowfield
- 03-04-2012: Looking Glass Studios Interview Series - Audio Podcast 10 - Paul Neurath
- 03-02-2012: Friday Games at GAMBIT 3/2/12: Blendo Games
- 03-02-2012: GOTW: Robotany Thoughts
- 03-01-2012: MIT ranked in the Princeton Review for Game Design
- 02-29-2012: GOTW: Robotany Concept Art
- 02-27-2012: GOTW: Robotany
- 02-24-2012: GOTW: A Closed World Screens/Reflections
- 02-23-2012: Friday Games @ GAMBIT - Strike!
- 02-22-2012: GOTW: A Closed World Prototyping/Concept Art
- 02-20-2012: Game of the Week: A Closed World
- 02-17-2012: Friday Games @ GAMBIT - Konami Arcade Brawlers
- 02-12-2012: Application deadline extended to February 27th for US students to our Summer Program
- 02-10-2012: Friday Games @ GAMBIT - Spacewar!
- 02-07-2012: The First Ever Crappy Game Complaining Marathon at the MIT GAMBIT Game Lab! February 18th, 2012
- 02-06-2012: Warm Praise for The Snowfield
- 02-06-2012: The Peculiar Spacewar!
- 02-03-2012: Friday Games @ GAMBIT - Global Game Jam Grab Bag! (GGJGB)
- 02-01-2012: The Snowfield: Experimental WWI Video Game Combats "Over-Engineered" Storytelling
- 01-31-2012: MIT Undergrads: make games as a UROP with us this Spring!
- 01-25-2012: Dice Are Fun; rand() Isn't.
- 01-24-2012: Spacewar! Turns 50: GAMBIT Celebrates The First Video Game With Two Special Events
- 01-18-2012: Looking Glass Studios Interview Series - Audio Podcast 9 - Terri Brosius and Dan Thron
- 01-13-2012: Want to know more about our Summer Game Development Program for Undergraduates?
- 01-13-2012: Friday Games @ GAMBIT - Puzzles and the MIT Mystery Hunt
- 01-11-2012: GAMBIT Presents Two New Gaming Documentaries January 12th and 13th (with director Q &A)
- 01-09-2012: Local (Cambridge, MA) Applications open for the GAMBIT Game Lab Summer Program
- 01-05-2012: The Incredibly Silly Trailer for Game Of The Week 2012 Is Up!
- 01-03-2012: 1/13/2012: Want to make games at the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab? Infosession for students: 2-4pm
- 01-03-2012: Global Game Jam at the GAMBIT Game Lab - tune in January 27 at 5pm!
- 12-15-2011: Friday Games @ GAMBIT - Who Can You Trust? An Exploration of the Traitor Mechanism in Face-to-Face Games
- 12-12-2011: Part Twelve of the GAMBIT Summer Summit Videos: Jeff Orkin/MIT Media Lab, "Next Generation A.I. & Gameplay: Big Data, Big Opportunities"
- 12-11-2011: Video: "Games As An Aesthetic Form" 12/1/11: Frank Lantz (NYU Game Center)
- 12-04-2011: Part Eleven of the GAMBIT Summer Summit Videos: GAMBIT Interns Alumni Panel
- 12-01-2011: Friday Games @ GAMBIT - A History of Zelda
- 11-30-2011: 12/1/11: The Aesthetics of Games - Frank Lantz (NYU Game Center)
- 11-30-2011: 11/30/11: Civic Games - Colleen Macklin, Liz Lawley, Scot Osterweil
- 11-29-2011: GAMBIT games discussed on Polish website Polityka
- 11-28-2011: Part Ten of the GAMBIT Summer Summit Videos: Jason Haas/Education Arcade
- 11-21-2011: Part Nine of the GAMBIT Summer Summit Videos: Konstantin Mitgutsch: "Afterland Revisited"
- 11-18-2011: 12/1/2011: NE Games SIG - Collaboration of the Game Industry and Academia
- 11-17-2011: Reconstructing the Vector Graphics in Spacewar!
- 11-17-2011: Friday Games @ GAMBIT - A History of The Elder Scrolls
- 11-14-2011: Electronic Arts CFO, Eric Brown To Speak at MIT Today at 5PM
- 11-14-2011: Part Eight of the GAMBIT Summer Summit Videos: Shu Ke, Singapore Management University
- 11-10-2011: 3 new games spring from our sister lab in Singapore
- 11-10-2011: Looking Glass Studios Interview Series - Audio Podcast 8 - Marc "Mahk" LeBlanc
- 11-09-2011: We're hiring!
- 11-06-2011: Part Seven of the GAMBIT Summer Summit Videos: Nguyen Thi Nhat Anh, Nanyang Technological University
- 11-06-2011: Video: "What Can The Demoscene Do For You" with Tammo "kb" Hinrichs
- 11-03-2011: Friday Games @ GAMBIT - Zombies That Don't Belong!
- 11-03-2011: The Night Sky in Spacewar!
- 10-31-2011: "Robotany" Puts Artificial Intelligence in the Mind of the Beholder
- 10-31-2011: Part Six of the GAMBIT Summer Summit Videos: Fredo Durand, CSAIL
- 10-28-2011: Sizzle Reel for the GAMBIT Summer 2011 Games Is Out!
- 10-28-2011: Friday Game 10/28/11-This Week Bites!
- 10-24-2011: Part Five of the GAMBIT Summer Summit Videos is Up!
- 10-21-2011: Digital Archaeology: Investigating the Spacewar! Source
- 10-21-2011: Friday Games 10/21/11 - 2012 IGF Pirate Kart
- 10-18-2011: Reflections on A Closed World Criticism
- 10-17-2011: New MIT Game Research Explores Singapore Culture from the Inside Out
- 10-16-2011: GAMBIT Summer Series Videos 2011 Part Four
- 10-13-2011: Improviso hits IndieCade 2011 while A Closed World garners more press!
- 10-13-2011: What's in a name? Making an #Occupy board game at the Cardboard Jam.
- 10-13-2011: Friday Games 10/14/11 - What can the demoscene do for you?
- 10-10-2011: GAMBIT Summer Series Videos 2011 Part Three
- 10-07-2011: A Closed World reviewed from all sides
- 10-06-2011: Friday Games @ GAMBIT 10/7/11 - PREPARE TO DIE!
- 10-03-2011: GAMBIT Summer Series 2011 Videos Part Two
- 09-30-2011: More Undergraduate Research Positions available at the US lab! (UROP)
- 09-30-2011: Friday Games 9/30/2011 - Atypical Motion-Control Games
- 09-30-2011: We're hosting another board and card game jam, October 8th and 9th!
- 09-30-2011: Futures of Entertainment 5 comes to MIT, November 11-12
- 09-29-2011: Our home department opens two faculty searches: tenure-track in games studies and tenured position in Comparative Media Studies
- 09-28-2011: Robotany Picked As a Finalist for IGF China!
- 09-26-2011: GAMBIT Summer Summit 2011 Video Series Begins Today!
- 09-23-2011: Recent reviews of GAMBIT games
- 09-22-2011: Friday Games 9/23/11 - Jason Begy presents Radiant Silvergun
- 09-15-2011: Improviso is an IndieCade Finalist!
- 09-15-2011: GAMBIT featured on The Feed at G4TV.com
- 09-10-2011: Podcast: Scott Nicholson, "From Settlers to Quarriors: Breaking up the Monopoly with Modern Board Game Design"
- 09-07-2011: From Theory to Design to Research. Seven Steps of the Game Development Circle of "Afterland"
- 09-07-2011: Boston area high school students invited to learn about game research at MIT with director of Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab 10/19/11
- 08-29-2011: Comparative Media Studies graduate program infosessions
- 08-23-2011: Video: GAMBIT Presents: Indies Will Shoot You In The Knees: Redux
- 08-12-2011: The Final Update Of The 2011 US GAMBIT Lab Summer Program
- 08-04-2011: Award-Winning Game Explores Puzzling Dreams
- 08-03-2011: Week Eight Update Of The 2011 US GAMBIT Lab Summer Program
- 07-28-2011: GAMBIT Presents "Indies Will Shoot You In The Knees: Redux" August 4th, 2011 @ 5PM
- 07-27-2011: Looking Glass Studios Interview Series - Audio Podcast 7 - Eric Brosius
- 07-26-2011: Week Seven Update Of The 2011 US GAMBIT Lab Summer Program
- 07-20-2011: Week Six Update Of The 2011 US GAMBIT Lab Summer Program
- 07-18-2011: 7/21/11 6pm: GAMBIT Open House Focus Test (Part Deux)
- 07-13-2011: Looking Glass Studios Interview Series - Audio Podcast 6 - Greg LoPiccolo
- 07-13-2011: Week Five Update Of The 2011 US GAMBIT Lab Summer Program
- 07-08-2011: Knowing When to Compromise
- 07-06-2011: Week Four Update Of The 2011 US GAMBIT Lab Summer Program
- 07-06-2011: The Conversation Continues: On Disciplinarity
- 07-01-2011: 7/7/11 6pm: GAMBIT Open House Focus Test
- 06-29-2011: Looking Glass Studios Interview Series - Audio Podcast 5 - Ken Levine
- 06-29-2011: Week Three Update Of The 2011 US GAMBIT Lab Summer Program
- 06-24-2011: Come and take a look behind the curtains of the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab
- 06-23-2011: Weeks One and Two of the 2011 US GAMBIT Lab Summer Program
- 06-22-2011: Looking Glass Studios Interview Series - Audio Podcast 4 - Randy Smith
- 06-03-2011: Analyzing Rory's Story Cubes
- 06-01-2011: The Knit and Purl of Facebook Games
- 05-25-2011: Videogames 101 Event Lectures Now Online!
- 05-19-2011: A Conversation Regarding Design
- 05-18-2011: Friday 5/20/11 - Jibe demo from ReactionGrid
- 05-12-2011: Friday Games 5/13/11 - Super Mecha Giant Robot Inertia
- 05-06-2011: Looking Glass Studios Interview Series - Audio Podcast 3 - Tim Stellmach and Laura Baldwin
- 05-06-2011: Student Games in Lobby 10 today
- 05-05-2011: Friday Games 5/6/11 - 3 Perspectives on Ikaruga
- 05-05-2011: On Object Orientation: An Antapologia for Brian Moriarty
- 05-05-2011: Video Games 101: Today, 6pm, MIT Museum
- 04-30-2011: GAMBIT Game Lab Open House: Today, 11am-4pm
- 04-28-2011: Friday Games 04/29/11 - Digital Baseball Mechanics
- 04-27-2011: Video Games at the Cambridge Science Festival
- 04-20-2011: Friday Games 04/22/11 - A History of eSports
- 04-18-2011: The Sublime Joy of Flight
- 04-11-2011: Save the Date: Video Games at the Cambridge Science Festival
- 04-10-2011: "Blood, Sex, and Politics in Video Games: How Censorship Is Done (or Not):"[REDACTED]" Censoring Game Politics
- 04-07-2011: Friday Games @ GAMBIT 04/08/11 - A Look Inside Slam Bolt Scrappers
- 04-07-2011: On Failure: Baseball's Theology of Redemption
- 04-05-2011: GAMBIT Research Video Podcast Episode 14, "First Person Victim: Using Interactive Drama and Tragedy to Create Awareness About The Consequences of War"
- 04-03-2011: "Blood, Sex, and Politics in Video Games: How Censorship Is Done (or Not):"'Behave!' Censoring Game Sex"
- 04-01-2011: Friday Games 04/01/11 - Retro Remake Revolution
- 03-29-2011: Games: Necessary Non-Obstacles
- 03-28-2011: Of Rockstars and Revolutions
- 03-27-2011: "Blood, Sex, and Politics in Video Games: How Censorship Is Done (or Not): "'Die!' Censoring Game Violence"
- 03-24-2011: Friday Games 03/25/11 - A History of TETRIS
- 03-24-2011: CGCM 2011 Registration Open!
- 03-23-2011: Announcing CGCM 2011! April 15-17th.
- 03-21-2011: Looking Glass Studios Interview Series - Audio Podcast 2 - Dan Schmidt
- 03-18-2011: Friday Games 03/18/11 - A Brief History of Ninjas
- 03-17-2011: 4/9-4/10/2011: Cardboard Jam at GAMBIT
- 03-15-2011: Shinobido - The Lost Ninja Simulator
- 03-10-2011: Improviso Product Backlog
- 03-10-2011: Hate Speech in Game Communities
- 03-09-2011: Improviso Alien Sketches
- 03-08-2011: Improviso Concept Art
- 03-07-2011: GAMBIT @ GDC, Day Five Video
- 03-07-2011: GOTW: Improviso
- 03-04-2011: GAMBIT @ GDC 2011, Day Four Video
- 03-04-2011: GOTW: Seer and Yet One Word First Playtest Screenshots
- 03-04-2011: GAMBIT @ GDC 2011, Day Three Video
- 03-02-2011: GAMBIT @ GDC 2011, Day Two Video
- 03-02-2011: GOTW: Concept Art from The Sophocles Project
- 03-02-2011: GAMBIT Research Video Podcast Episode 13, "Serious: Learning In Serious Games?"
- 03-01-2011: GAMBIT @ GDC 2011, Day One Video
- 03-01-2011: GOTW: Early Screen Shots
- 02-28-2011: GOTW: Seer/Yet One Word
- 02-25-2011: Looking Glass Studios Interview Series - Audio Podcast 1 - Austin Grossman
- 02-25-2011: Friday Games @ GAMBIT 02/25/11 - Diamonds and Dragons III: NBA 2K11
- 02-25-2011: GOTW: Afterland Concept Art
- 02-24-2011: GOTW: Afterland Programmer Reflections
- 02-23-2011: GOTW: Afterland Storyboard Sketches
- 02-22-2011: GOTW: Afterland 1st Playable
- 02-21-2011: GOTW: Introducing Afterland
- 02-18-2011: Special Friday Games Series - "[REDACTED]" Censoring Game Politics
- 02-18-2011: GOTW: Elude Materials
- 02-17-2011: GOTW: More Elude Concept Art
- 02-16-2011: GOTW: Screenshots from Early Builds
- 02-15-2011: Play Monsters in My Backyard on Kongregate
- 02-15-2011: GOTW: Elude Concept Art
- 02-14-2011: GOTW: Introducing Elude
- 02-12-2011: Symon wins the Kongregate Award at Indie Game Challenge!
- 02-11-2011: Chroma Studios Pictures
- 02-10-2011: Poikila Storyboard Concepts
- 02-09-2011: Special Friday Games Series - "Behave!" Censoring Game Sex
- 02-09-2011: Poikilia Character Concepts
- 02-08-2011: Poikilia Paper Prototypes
- 02-07-2011: GOTW: Introducing Poikilia
- 02-05-2011: 2010 Retrospective - Part 3: Taxidermy, Porn, Politics
- 02-04-2011: GOTW: Symon Art Dump!
- 02-03-2011: Special Friday Games Series - "Die!" Censoring Game Violence
- 02-03-2011: Symon Design Documents
- 02-02-2011: GAMBIT Research Video Podcast Episode 12 "Playing With AI: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Our Skynet Overlords"
- 02-02-2011: Symon Character Sketches
- 02-01-2011: Early Sketches
- 01-31-2011: Symon Behind the Scenes
- 01-29-2011: EXTINCTION - Global Game Jam 2011, Day 2
- 01-29-2011: Replays from last week's StarCraft 2 tournament
- 01-28-2011: The Global Game Jam 2011 at GAMBIT - Day 1
- 01-28-2011: Friday Games Cancelled for Global Game Jam
- 01-27-2011: Game of the Week is BACK!
- 01-27-2011: Presenting our new Starcraft 2 maps!
- 01-24-2011: 2010 Retrospective Part 2 - Nostalgia, Sin, Editing
- 01-21-2011: Friday Games @ GAMBIT 01/21/11 - MOVE!
- 01-20-2011: Video: "What's the Story?: The Problem of Videogame Culture" A Lecture By Jamin Brophy-Warren (Kill Screen Magazine)
- 01-19-2011: 2010 Retrospective Part 1 - Sex, War, Religion
- 01-14-2011: Friday Games Canceled for Mysterious Reasons...
- 01-13-2011: Play StarCraft 2 this IAP!
- 01-09-2011: Our IAP Activities
- 01-06-2011: Friday Games at GAMBIT: We'll Go Places Together
- 01-05-2011: Play games at RISD Game Show gallery opening this Thursday, January 6th at 6PM
- 01-05-2011: GAMBIT Research Video Podcast Episode 11: "Local Engagement Games"
- 01-04-2011: Jamin Brophy-Warren Speaks at GAMBIT - Jan. 6th
- 12-20-2010: Update: Registration CLOSED for the Global Game Jam 2011 at GAMBIT!
- 12-08-2010: 12/10/2010: Info Session for IAP and Spring UROP opportunities, this Friday, 4pm-6pm
- 12-02-2010: Friday Games @ GAMBIT 12/03/10 - Warren Spector Retrospective
- 12-02-2010: GAMBIT Research Video Podcast Episode 10: "Fun In The Stacks: Games, Gaming and Gamers in Libraries"
- 11-23-2010: Watch a GAMBIT Class: CMS.608 Scott Nicholson on "Board Game Publishing"
- 11-18-2010: Friday Games: Dance Central
- 11-18-2010: How RPG Elements Hurt Good Games
- 11-18-2010: CarneyVale: Showtime now available on Games for Windows and Windows Phone 7
- 11-12-2010: Friday Games @ GAMBIT MIT Museum 11/12/10 - GAMBIT Exhibit Grand Opening
- 11-09-2010: "Making A GAMBIT Game" Series Episode Ten "Interviews and Presentation"
- 11-08-2010: 11/10/2010: Fun in the Stacks: Games, Gamers and Gaming in Libraries
- 11-04-2010: Friday Games: Vanquish and P.N.03
- 11-03-2010: GAMBIT Research Video Podcast Episode 9 " Six-Button Samurai: How Arcade Sticks, Online Haters and Laggy Monitors Shape Fighting Gameplay."
- 11-02-2010: "Making A GAMBIT Game" Series Episode Nine "Game Review"
- 11-01-2010: GAMBIT Exhibit Grand Opening
- 10-29-2010: Friday Games @ GAMBIT 10/29/10 - Retro Horror Halloween
- 10-27-2010: GAMBIT's Jason Begy and Generoso Fierro to Interview MST3K/Cinematic Titanic Creators at CMS Colloquium on 10/28/10
- 10-26-2010: "Making A GAMBIT Game" Series Episode Eight "Second Focus Test"
- 10-25-2010: Interactive Fiction Playing Group's Halloween Event: The Lurking Horror
- 10-25-2010: Finding Meaning in Michigan: GAMBIT Wins Awards at Meaningful Play Conference
- 10-23-2010: Watch "A GAMBIT Class: CMS.608 Game Design"
- 10-21-2010: Friday Games @ GAMBIT - Cute Overload!
- 10-20-2010: Harmonix Co-Founder Eran Egozy to speak at MIT on Thursday Oct 21st
- 10-19-2010: "Making a GAMBIT Game" Series Episode Seven "The Research Consultant"
- 10-18-2010: Adventures in Games Research
- 10-15-2010: Friday Games @ GAMBIT 10/15/10 - FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY
- 10-13-2010: GAMBIT Presenting at Powered Up Boston October 14th and 15th
- 10-12-2010: "Making a GAMBIT Game" Series Episode Six "First Focus Test"
- 10-09-2010: Abe at IndieCade: Day 2
- 10-08-2010: Check Out The 2010 GAMBIT Summer Games Trailer!
- 10-08-2010: Abe Checks in from IndieCade
- 10-08-2010: GAMBIT @ MIT Museum
- 10-08-2010: Friday Games: Recettear
- 10-06-2010: Research Video Podcast Episode 8: "The History and Significance of Jumping In Games"
- 10-05-2010: "Making a GAMBIT Game" Series Episode Five "First Playable"
- 10-04-2010: Deadly Premonition Is "Interesting" with GAMBIT Lead Game Designer Matthew Weise: Video
- 10-04-2010: Announcing Pierre: Insanity Inspired 1.5!
- 10-01-2010: Friday Games at GAMBIT: Minecraft
- 09-29-2010: USC Provost Professor Henry Jenkins Interviews GAMBIT Outreach Coordinator, Generoso Fierro
- 09-28-2010: Boston area high school students invited to learn about game research at MIT with director of Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab
- 09-28-2010: Sexual Nightmares in Silent Hill.
- 09-28-2010: "Making a GAMBIT Game" Series Episode Four "Art and Design Review"
- 09-23-2010: Friday Games at GAMBIT: Halo Reach Forge World
- 09-21-2010: "Making a GAMBIT Game" Series Episode Three "Prototyping The Game"
- 09-19-2010: One-Paragraph Review - Vagrant Story
- 09-17-2010: Jobs at Comparative Media Studies
- 09-16-2010: Friday Games @ GAMBIT 9/17/10 - DEADLY PREMONITION
- 09-16-2010: Call For Abstracts: Summer Program Projects, 2011
- 09-14-2010: Defining Characters in Games
- 09-14-2010: "Making a GAMBIT Game" Series Episode Two "U.S. Orientation"
- 09-13-2010: What Metroid Other M Can Teach Us About 3D Game Design.
- 09-10-2010: Amnesia - Adventure Gaming in the Age of First-Person Shooters
- 09-10-2010: 09/20/2010: MIT Holiday Greeting Card Contest!
- 09-08-2010: At MIT summer program, visiting Singapore students push video game boundaries
- 09-08-2010: 9/16/2010: Comparative Media Studies graduate program info session
- 09-07-2010: Interactive Fiction Playing Group: Lost Pig
- 09-07-2010: "Making a GAMBIT Game" Series Episode One Premieres Today!
- 09-06-2010: Why I Didn't Like Scott Pilgrim.
- 09-03-2010: A new video series, Making a GAMBIT Game, begins next week!
- 09-02-2010: Play our summer game prototypes!
- 08-31-2010: Research Video Podcast Episode 7: "Playful Learning Experiences Meaningful Learning Patterns in Players' Biographies"
- 08-31-2010: One-Paragraph Review - Metroid Prime 1
- 08-27-2010: Revisiting Riddick.
- 08-19-2010: IGDA Perspectives Newsletter
- 08-17-2010: CarneyVale: Showtime is coming to Windows Phone 7!
- 08-11-2010: What does researching adventure games mean?
- 08-11-2010: What does researching adventure games mean?
- 08-04-2010: Research Video Podcast Episode 6: "Creating Dream Logic"
- 08-03-2010: Mia Consalvo on NPR with Frank Lantz
- 08-02-2010: Metal Gear: Game Design Matryoshka - Part 4: Soldiers Are People Too.
- 07-29-2010: Friday Games: Starcraft II Arcade Play
- 07-26-2010: One Paragraph Review - Hell Night (AKA Dark Messiah)
- 07-23-2010: Video Games and Culture
- 07-22-2010: 8/21/10: The Immigration Jam!
- 07-22-2010: Diamonds & Dragons II
- 07-21-2010: Come play Zork with us at MIT!
- 07-21-2010: SCUMM: The Joys of Exploration
- 07-16-2010: 7/22/10, 6pm: GAMBIT Open House Focus Test
- 07-14-2010: Friday, 6pm: How to Host a Demoparty!
- 07-10-2010: Why Red Dead Redemption Is Disappointing
- 07-07-2010: Research Video Podcast Episode 5: "Game Design Meets Therapy"
- 07-06-2010: Open House Focus Testing: July 8th, 6 PM - 8PM!
- 07-01-2010: Friday Rant: Dante's Inferno
- 06-29-2010: 6/29/10, 7pm: Harvard Book Store presents Tom Bissell, author of "Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter"
- 06-25-2010: Friday Games: Deus Ex
- 06-17-2010: Friday Demos: Demos!
- 06-11-2010: Joga Bonito
- 06-10-2010: Flat Stanley visits GAMBIT
- 06-09-2010: 2010-2011 MIT Postdoctoral Associate at the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab and Comparative Media Studies
- 06-07-2010: One Paragraph Review - The Lurking Horror
- 06-02-2010: Research Video Podcast Episode 4: "Infernal Adaptation: The Thin Line Between Adaptation and Misappropriation"
- 05-29-2010: Rockstar's Westworld.
- 05-28-2010: There are Monsters in My Backyard! (Free download until June 25)
- 05-27-2010: Friday Games: LANTANA!
- 05-27-2010: GAMBIT Takes On Cancer: Game Prototypes
- 05-26-2010: There is No Magic Circle (in Video Games)
- 05-24-2010: Paper Prototyping Your Game Episode 2: Video Podcast
- 05-21-2010: One Paragraph Review - Chrono Cross
- 05-21-2010: Paper Prototyping Your Game: Video Podcast
- 05-20-2010: Friday Games: A Trip Down Memory Lane
- 05-18-2010: Details for the IGDA Health Game Jam
- 05-15-2010: Letting the World Be - The Inherent Politics of Stealth?
- 05-14-2010: Tipping Point Mini Post-Mortem and Updates
- 05-13-2010: Friday Games at GAMBIT: It was a very good year
- 05-12-2010: Spring Prototyping #10
- 05-11-2010: Spring Prototyping #9
- 05-11-2010: Spring Prototyping #8
- 05-11-2010: IGDA Announces Health Game Jam Challenge
- 05-10-2010: Spring Prototyping, #7
- 05-06-2010: One Paragraph Review - Killer 7
- 05-06-2010: Friday Games: Marleigh's First Person Shooter Rant
- 05-05-2010: Michelle Obama's Apps for Healthy Kids competition offers Student Awards
- 05-05-2010: Announcing Tipping Point
- 05-05-2010: Research Video Podcast Episode 3: "How The Zombie Changed Videogames"
- 05-04-2010: 5/10/10: Carbon Concepts: A Bazaar of Ideas
- 04-29-2010: Friday Games: Gesamtkunstwerk
- 04-29-2010: GAMBIT Sizzle Reel from PAX EAST 2010
- 04-26-2010: 4/29/10: Tech Night Open House at 6pm
- 04-26-2010: Cold War Punk.
- 04-22-2010: Spring Prototyping #6
- 04-16-2010: Intel announces Level Up Student Competition
- 04-14-2010: The History of The Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab
- 04-14-2010: Next week: CMS 10th anniversary symposium!
- 04-12-2010: Focus Testing at GAMBIT, April 16th 4 - 6 PM
- 04-10-2010: GAMBIT Spring Prototyping: #5
- 04-08-2010: PAX Pox vs. Pipe Cleaners
- 04-07-2010: PAX Pox: Lessons in Big Gaming [Part II]
- 04-07-2010: Research Video Podcast Episode 2: "Towards an Aesthetic of Presence in 3D Avatar-driven Computer Games"
- 04-06-2010: Friday Games: Jeff Howard - Magick Systems in Theory and Practice
- 04-05-2010: PAX Pox: Lessons in Big Gaming Pt. I
- 04-02-2010: No Friday Games at GAMBIT today
- 04-02-2010: GAMBIT Infects PAX EAST 2010 with PAX POX!
- 04-01-2010: Generoso's Post PAX EAST 2010 Blog Post
- 04-01-2010: Help out a research project - play Shadow Shoppe!
- 03-31-2010: CarneyVale: Showtime promotion continuing through April 2010
- 03-25-2010: PAX East 2010 Countdown: Carneyvale: Showtime
- 03-24-2010: GAMBIT Spring Prototyping: #4
- 03-24-2010: PAX East 2010 Countdown: Shadow Shoppe
- 03-23-2010: PAX East 2010 Countdown: Dearth
- 03-22-2010: PAX East 2010 Countdown: Waker and Woosh
- 03-19-2010: PAX East 2010 Countdown: 7 Days Away!
- 03-19-2010: Friday Games: Keep it Simple Stupid
- 03-16-2010: GAMBIT Spring Prototyping: #3
- 03-15-2010: GAMBIT Spring Prototyping: #2
- 03-15-2010: GAMBIT Game Lab at GDC 2010, Day Five Video Podcast
- 03-15-2010: GAMBIT Game Lab at GDC 2010, Day Four Video Podcast
- 03-12-2010: GAMBIT Game Lab at GDC 2010, Day Three Video Podcast
- 03-12-2010: GAMBIT Game Lab at GDC 2010, Day Two Video Podcast
- 03-10-2010: GAMBIT Game Lab at GDC 2010, Day One Video Podcast
- 03-09-2010: PAX POX live action game to be played at PAX East in Boston
- 03-09-2010: GAMBIT Spring Prototyping: #1
- 03-05-2010: GAMBIT Inks CarneyVale: Showtime Distribution Contract
- 03-05-2010: Friday Games: Devil May Cry, Bayonetta Won't
- 03-01-2010: Research Video Podcast Episode 1: DEFINING GAMBIT RESEARCH
- 03-01-2010: Metal Gear: Game Design Matryoshka - Part 3: Man versus Nature
- 03-01-2010: GAMBIT Named 8th Best Game Design Program by The Princeton Review!
- 02-26-2010: CGCM is Underway!
- 02-24-2010: Friday Games: Marathon Kick-Off
- 02-19-2010: Friday Games: God Hand is 2D
- 02-18-2010: CSCW 2010
- 02-17-2010: Fun at CSCW? Seriously?
- 02-16-2010: Representation and Game Bits
- 02-12-2010: 2010 CGCM: The Players
- 02-11-2010: Metal Gear: Game Design Matryoshka - Part 2: A New Dimension
- 02-10-2010: Friday Games: Diamonds and Dragons
- 02-09-2010: Snap Escape nominated for the Mochi Awards!
- 02-04-2010: Friday Games at GAMBIT: Global Game Jam 2010
- 02-01-2010: Metal Gear: Game Design Matryoshka - Part 1: The MSX Years
- 02-01-2010: Waker, IGC Finalist!
- 01-30-2010: Day 2: A Sneak Peek at our Games!
- 01-29-2010: Global Game Jam 2010: Day 1 almost over! (for us)
- 01-29-2010: This weekend only, Global Game Jam 2010 LIVE at the GAMBIT Game Lab!
- 01-28-2010: Complete Game-Completion Marathon for Haiti
- 01-28-2010: Dream Sequence, Pt. III
- 01-28-2010: Robots Robots Robots
- 01-27-2010: Now on TechTV: Picopoke with Kevin Driscoll
- 01-27-2010: More Dream Logic at the Supermarket
- 01-26-2010: The Shady Puzzle
- 01-26-2010: Final Summary of Visual3D
- 01-25-2010: Goodbye to U(nity)
- 01-24-2010: Tracing the Design Heritage of Demon's Souls
- 01-24-2010: Ideas & Ants
- 01-23-2010: On to AI...
- 01-22-2010: Leaf Cutter Ants: The Board Game!
- 01-21-2010: Jay Is Games results: Rosemary in the top 10!
- 01-21-2010: Interactions
- 01-20-2010: Friday Games at GAMBIT 1/22: Camp!
- 01-20-2010: Run away! The chasers are coming!
- 01-20-2010: Gary Gygax Memorial
- 01-19-2010: GAMBIT alums release Bee Spelled for the iPhone
- 01-18-2010: Games That Made Me - Part 3: The 00s
- 01-15-2010: Applications for the GAMBIT Summer Program 2010 are now closed.
- 01-14-2010: Friday Games at GAMBIT 1/15: Samurai & Ninja
- 01-11-2010: Games That Made Me - Part 2: The 90s
- 01-11-2010: Eitan Glinert on Rapid Prototyping
- 01-10-2010: The Etymology of Zork
- 01-10-2010: Games That Made Me - Part 1: The 80s
- 01-07-2010: Rock the Vote!
- 01-06-2010: Be Excellent to Each Other
- 01-05-2010: More about using objects in a script
- 01-05-2010: NPC Interactions
- 01-05-2010: We're Jammin'
- 01-04-2010: Tile time
- 01-04-2010: Instantiating prefabs
- 01-04-2010: Unity vs Visual3D (spoiler: Unity wins)
- 01-04-2010: The 99 "Best" Free Games
- 12-31-2009: Now Accepting Applications: The 2010 GAMBIT Summer Program!
- 12-29-2009: Flixel experiments - AI and combat
- 12-25-2009: Flixel experiments - Sprites and levels
- 12-21-2009: IAP 2010: BattleCode registration is open!
- 12-20-2009: Flixel experiments - the first four hours
- 12-18-2009: White House Needs Food Games Badly!
- 12-18-2009: 12/19/09: GP4CP at Microsoft NERD Center
- 12-17-2009: Friday Games at GAMBIT 12/18: Super Splendid Sega Saturn
- 12-16-2009: Give me Wii-berty or Give me Death!
- 12-15-2009: Western Otaku: Games Crossing Cultures by Mia Consalvo
- 12-14-2009: 1/8/10: MIT Admissions announces MIT: THE GAME(JAM)
- 12-12-2009: 1/1/2010: Vote for games for MIT's 150th anniversary!
- 12-11-2009: 2/5/2010: CFP: Research Topic Proposals for GAMBIT's Summer 2010 Game Development Program
- 12-07-2009: GAMBIT UROP Opportunities Open House, Friday, December 11th from 4-6pm
- 12-04-2009: 2010 Global Game Jam registration for the GAMBIT site is closed.
- 12-04-2009: Level creation from files is easy!
- 12-04-2009: Dream Prototype - OCD Shopping Carts
- 12-04-2009: More on Word Puzzles
- 12-03-2009: Dream Sequence, Pt. II
- 12-02-2009: Dream Sequence, Pt. I
- 12-02-2009: Character and Author Intent
- 12-02-2009: Friday Games at GAMBIT: Hard Games
- 12-02-2009: Maya Issues
- 12-01-2009: Unexpected Difficulties in Design
- 12-01-2009: The case of the haunted game model
- 11-30-2009: A game with one button, no visuals?
- 11-25-2009: GAMBIT Summer Program application details
- 11-24-2009: (Everything I Do) I Do it for You
- 11-23-2009: Cat Movement (Scaring Cats)
- 11-20-2009: Zombie Prototype v2 (Weise Zombie Project)
- 11-18-2009: Games at GAMBIT 11/20: Ode to Treasure
- 11-18-2009: Word Puzzle 101
- 11-18-2009: 11/21/09: Tech Model Railroad Club Open House
- 11-17-2009: Round 1
- 11-16-2009: Open Focus Testing: Thursday, November 19th, 5 - 7 PM
- 11-16-2009: Video Game Orchestra Presents ~Awakening~
- 11-13-2009: That Was the Game of the Week!
- 11-13-2009: Some Concept Team Logos
- 11-13-2009: The Many Kirbies of GAMBIT
- 11-13-2009: The Truth about Game Development
- 11-13-2009: Friday Games at GAMBIT: Extreme Sports Edition
- 11-13-2009: Nice Hat
- 11-13-2009: Camaquen Dev Team Blog
- 11-12-2009: Early Background Art
- 11-12-2009: Equally Meticulous Story Bible
- 11-12-2009: Meticulous Art Asset List
- 11-12-2009: "The Sacred Grove" Concept Music
- 11-12-2009: Hard Times At The Sacred Grove
- 11-11-2009: Sprint Spreadsheet
- 11-11-2009: Emotion Icon Sketch
- 11-11-2009: More Notes
- 11-11-2009: Notes
- 11-11-2009: Word Bubble Tests
- 11-10-2009: Research Goals
- 11-10-2009: Test Screen Layout
- 11-10-2009: Early Version of The Two Chiefs
- 11-10-2009: More Little Gods
- 11-10-2009: Confessions of an Impatient Cheater
- 11-10-2009: Little Gods
- 11-09-2009: Two More Characters
- 11-09-2009: Another Character Sketch
- 11-09-2009: A Different Story
- 11-09-2009: Another Sketch
- 11-09-2009: The Revolution Begins Tonight!
- 11-09-2009: Early Camaquen Sketch
- 11-09-2009: New GOTW - Camaquen
- 11-09-2009: Camaquen - GOTW
- 11-06-2009: Yay Team!
- 11-06-2009: Final Version GDD
- 11-06-2009: More Menu Concept Art
- 11-06-2009: Menu Concept Art
- 11-06-2009: Oops
- 11-05-2009: Tim Schafer's Metal Metaphysics.
- 11-05-2009: Character 3D Model
- 11-05-2009: An Early Version of the GDD
- 11-05-2009: Early Gameplay Screen
- 11-05-2009: Protagonist Color Comparo
- 11-04-2009: An Interesting Sketch
- 11-04-2009: Games at GAMBIT 11/6: Abstract Shooters
- 11-04-2009: Meet the new bug, same as the old bug
- 11-04-2009: Objects
- 11-04-2009: Early Logo Concept
- 11-04-2009: Yet More Character Sketches
- 11-04-2009: More Character Sketches
- 11-03-2009: Our Intrepid Spaceman
- 11-03-2009: One More Disco Storyboard
- 11-03-2009: Richard Rouse audio podcast now available
- 11-03-2009: Disco Storyboard Sketch
- 11-03-2009: Early Protagonist Sketch
- 11-03-2009: Early Storyboard Concepts
- 11-02-2009: Early Gameplay Sketch
- 11-02-2009: This Time, A Spaceman
- 11-02-2009: Construction Worker
- 11-02-2009: Early Character Sketch
- 11-02-2009: 11/9/09: Jesper Juul leads A Casual Revolution
- 11-02-2009: GOTW - Abandon
- 10-30-2009: One Happy Kitty
- 10-30-2009: GAMBIT Halloween Party!
- 10-30-2009: Full Color Pierre and "The Man"
- 10-30-2009: A Thorough GDD
- 10-30-2009: Pierre and the Man
- 10-30-2009: Pierre Character Sketch
- 10-29-2009: Team Logo Concepts
- 10-29-2009: Concept Menu Page
- 10-29-2009: Stage Background Concepts
- 10-29-2009: Pierre Storyboard Page
- 10-29-2009: Final Cat Sketches
- 10-29-2009: More Kitty Sketches
- 10-29-2009: 11/2/09: Purple Blurb presents Mary Flanagan
- 10-28-2009: Perception = true
- 10-28-2009: Triggers and colliders
- 10-28-2009: First Cat Sketches
- 10-28-2009: The Walls
- 10-28-2009: QA Survey
- 10-28-2009: Features List
- 10-28-2009: Character Silhouette Sketch 2
- 10-28-2009: Location confirmed: Clint Hocking at GAMBIT
- 10-28-2009: Character Sketch Silhouettes
- 10-27-2009: World Sketches
- 10-27-2009: Original Storyboard
- 10-27-2009: 11/04/09: Eran Egozy presents the Harmonix Story
- 10-27-2009: Falling Stuff
- 10-27-2009: Mother Earth
- 10-27-2009: Another Stage Concept
- 10-27-2009: Early Stage Concept
- 10-26-2009: One More Character Sketch
- 10-26-2009: Chaos Sketch
- 10-26-2009: More Early Character Sketches
- 10-26-2009: Translating NPC Drives to Behaviors (Weise Zombie Project)
- 10-26-2009: Assigning Drives to NPCs (Weise Zombie Project)
- 10-26-2009: Another Early Sketch
- 10-26-2009: Early Character Sketches
- 10-26-2009: New GOTW: Pierre Insanity Inspired
- 10-26-2009: Game of the Week - Pierre: Insanity Inspired
- 10-23-2009: Final Dearth Concept Painting
- 10-23-2009: Usability Milestone Screenshot
- 10-23-2009: First Runnable Screenshot
- 10-23-2009: Screenshot from First Playable
- 10-22-2009: Moving is crazy.
- 10-22-2009: Another Set of Sketches
- 10-22-2009: Rain God Silhouette Sketch
- 10-22-2009: Main Menu Sketch
- 10-22-2009: Friday Games at GAMBIT: Procedural Level Generation with Darius Kazemi
- 10-22-2009: Art Style Guide
- 10-22-2009: Scribbles
- 10-21-2009: Some More Concept Art
- 10-21-2009: Team Work Photos
- 10-21-2009: More on the zombie game we brainstormed
- 10-21-2009: More Zombies
- 10-21-2009: GUI Sketch
- 10-21-2009: Team Blog Post
- 10-21-2009: Bug Study
- 10-21-2009: 10/29/09: Richard Rouse III - "Cinematic Games"
- 10-20-2009: Birds of a Different Feather
- 10-20-2009: Exploding Gooball
- 10-20-2009: A Very Interesting Early Sketch
- 10-20-2009: Another Sketch
- 10-20-2009: Dearth GDD
- 10-20-2009: 10/28/09: Clint Hocking speaks at GAMBIT
- 10-20-2009: 10/30/09: Reminder - Student Explorer Grant
- 10-19-2009: More fun with Unity: parenting and refining keyboard input
- 10-19-2009: More Concept Paintings
- 10-19-2009: Another Concept Painting
- 10-19-2009: Early Concept Art
- 10-19-2009: Early Dearth Sketch
- 10-19-2009: Game of the Week - Dearth
- 10-19-2009: Game of the Week - Dearth
- 10-16-2009: Final Outtakes
- 10-16-2009: More Audio Outtakes
- 10-16-2009: Audio Outtakes
- 10-16-2009: Shadow Shoppe - Postmortem
- 10-16-2009: Bottles
- 10-16-2009: Some More Interesting Photos
- 10-15-2009: Success!
- 10-15-2009: Down Time
- 10-15-2009: Daily Stand-Up Meeting
- 10-15-2009: Another One
- 10-15-2009: Happy Shadow Box
- 10-15-2009: Friday Games 10/16 -- Tim Schafer ROCKS!
- 10-15-2009: Focus Testing Results
- 10-14-2009: Unicycle riding ninja bears fighting zombie sharks with marshmallow guns
- 10-14-2009: More Fan Art
- 10-14-2009: Menu Screen Concept Art
- 10-14-2009: More on Unity3d
- 10-14-2009: Shop Keeper Sketches
- 10-14-2009: Shadowbox Logo Concepts
- 10-14-2009: Scrum Board Photos
- 10-14-2009: Shoppe Keeper Color Study
- 10-14-2009: Boston Globe: How Video Games are Good for the Brain
- 10-13-2009: Collisions!
- 10-13-2009: Team Photo
- 10-13-2009: MIT's Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Celebrates its 40th Anniversary
- 10-13-2009: Hard at Work
- 10-13-2009: Some Funny Shadow Shoppe Fan Art
- 10-13-2009: 10/19/09: Jeff Norris (NASA) presents at CSAIL
- 10-13-2009: Shadow Shoppe High Level GDD
- 10-13-2009: Shadow Shoppe Game Logo Designs
- 10-13-2009: Shadow Shoppe Character Sketches
- 10-12-2009: More Sketches
- 10-12-2009: Shadow Shoppe Docs
- 10-12-2009: Beautiful Sketches
- 10-12-2009: Silhoutte Study
- 10-12-2009: Game of the Week: Shadow Shoppe
- 10-12-2009: Some Shadow Shoppe Concept Art
- 10-12-2009: Shadow Shoppe Podcast
- 10-09-2009: Concept Art-splosion
- 10-09-2009: Hard at Work/Scrum Board
- 10-09-2009: More Waker Concept Art
- 10-09-2009: Some Waker/Woosh Press
- 10-09-2009: Some More Abstract Concept Work From Woosh
- 10-09-2009: Waker Woosh Postmortem
- 10-08-2009: Woosh Ball Concept Sheet
- 10-08-2009: Friday Games at GAMBIT: Four Player Madness!
- 10-08-2009: Beautiful Prototype Screen
- 10-08-2009: An Interview with Maj
- 10-08-2009: Alternate Waker Main Menu Screens
- 10-08-2009: Orientation Photos: Part Deux
- 10-08-2009: Orientation Photos
- 10-07-2009: Visual3d, part 1
- 10-07-2009: Some Poof Team Photos
- 10-07-2009: Beautiful Environment Concepts
- 10-07-2009: Game engine survey!
- 10-07-2009: This is Hilarious
- 10-07-2009: Waker Environment Concept Art
- 10-07-2009: Poof Team Picture
- 10-06-2009: A Few "Bad" Postmortem Slides
- 10-06-2009: A Few "Good" Postmortem Slides
- 10-06-2009: More Woosh Concept Art
- 10-06-2009: Some thoughts from a Product Owner
- 10-06-2009: Early Character Sketch
- 10-06-2009: Someone Else's Thoughts
- 10-05-2009: Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Waker, Woosh
- 10-05-2009: Woosh Concept Art
- 10-05-2009: More Crayon
- 10-05-2009: Platforming and Politics in Shadow Complex
- 10-05-2009: Waker Woosh GDD
- 10-05-2009: Locomotion Sketch
- 10-05-2009: Waker: Preliminary Sketches
- 10-05-2009: This is the Game of The Week
- 10-05-2009: Welcome...
- 10-01-2009: GAMBIT is Three
- 09-30-2009: The 2010 Global Game Jam comes to Boston, Jan 29-31, 2010!
- 09-30-2009: Friday Games at GAMBIT 10/2
- 09-29-2009: WE WON!
- 09-29-2009: Sonoflash demo video
- 09-24-2009: (Some) Games Are Media: A Response to Frank Lantz
- 09-24-2009: Friday Games at GAMBIT: It's Full of Stars!
- 09-23-2009: An Interview with James "jchensor" Chen
- 09-23-2009: The Death of Survival Horror
- 09-22-2009: Razor TV Interviews
- 09-22-2009: Utrecht University is hiring game studies faculty
- 09-21-2009: The Pleasures of Old School Resident Evil - Dying Alone
- 09-21-2009: We're hiring a research executive to work in Singapore!
- 09-18-2009: CMS job opening for tenured faculty position
- 09-18-2009: Vote for Waker!
- 09-17-2009: Friday Games at GAMBIT: The '60s
- 09-17-2009: Singapore lab unveils 3 upcoming games at Games Convention Asia 2009
- 09-16-2009: Akrasia selected for IndieCade 2009!
- 09-15-2009: 9/17/09: CMS Colloquium presents Ethan Gilsdorf
- 09-14-2009: 10/30/09: Student Explorer Grant for games
- 09-12-2009: Harmonix rocks! (but you knew that)
- 09-11-2009: 9/14/09: Purple Blurb presents Noah Wardrip-Fruin
- 09-11-2009: Friday Games at GAMBIT
- 09-10-2009: Lost in Translation
- 09-08-2009: 9/9/09: GAMBIT UROP Open House, 5-7pm
- 09-08-2009: An Interview with Mia Consalvo
- 09-04-2009: 2009 Call for Research Proposals
- 09-03-2009: Rosemary UI Design Sketches
- 09-03-2009: Flytrap Thinks We're Cool
- 09-02-2009: 9/3/09: GAMBIT Freshman Explorations and UROP Program
- 09-02-2009: Waker Review on Casual Gameplay
- 09-01-2009: GAMBIT Press Release
- 08-27-2009: Announcing our Summer 2009 games!
- 08-21-2009: Fascism is so much better in 2D.
- 08-06-2009: 8/7/09: Summer Game Postmortems at Stata Center
- 08-01-2009: The Pangs of Game Studies
- 07-24-2009: Last Chance Open House and Focus Testing: July 30th, 2009!
- 07-16-2009: CarneyVale: Showtime named to the 2009 PAX 10!
- 07-14-2009: Summer Program Open House/Focus Test Session: July 16th, 6pm - 8pm
- 07-09-2009: Introducing Moki Combat 2.0
- 07-03-2009: Introducing The Bridge
- 06-24-2009: Introducing Rosemary
- 06-24-2009: Announcing the Spring 2009 GAMBIT Games!
- 06-15-2009: Train of Thought
- 06-08-2009: Why I Like Stupid Game Stories.
- 06-04-2009: GAMBIT on ThirtyOn10.
- 06-04-2009: A Guy's Defense of Guy-Bashing Game Criticism.
- 06-01-2009: GAMBIT's Phorm at E3!
- 05-29-2009: Peanuts: The Game
- 05-27-2009: MIT Enterprise Forum Salutes Henry Jenkins on June 16th
- 05-27-2009: Bionic Commando: Old School in Disguise.
- 05-14-2009: Warren Spector, Hideo Kojima, and Player Choice.
- 05-11-2009: Foundations of Digital Games
- 05-09-2009: Be Attitude For Gains
- 05-04-2009: Have Adventure Games Forgotten the A in MDA?
- 04-30-2009: "Do you know what day it is today?"
- 04-27-2009: New Deadline for Indiecade!
- 04-22-2009: This is GAMBIT on CNN
- 04-20-2009: 5/1/09: Videogame Research and Development Open House
- 04-17-2009: Introducing Sc-rum'pet: The Om-Nom Adventures
- 04-15-2009: The Pleasures of Old School Resident Evil - Hollywood Infection
- 04-15-2009: CHI Conference: Marleigh's Top Picks
- 04-14-2009: 4/30/09: Gam3rs the Play at the New England Institute of Art
- 04-13-2009: Tonight: On the WOW Pod
- 04-13-2009: 5/8/09: MIT Sloan to host its first ever Business in Gaming Conference
- 04-09-2009: The Pleasures of Old School Resident Evil - Political Shenanigans
- 04-08-2009: A Dynamic Review
- 04-07-2009: A Chair for Dr. Juul
- 04-06-2009: Sissies, Musketeers, Street Fighter, and Floss: The Game Design Workshop 2009
- 04-06-2009: Philip Tan and Eitan Glinert at IGC East
- 04-01-2009: GAMBIT Alum's XNA Article Wins Further Acclaim
- 03-22-2009: Games' Social History
- 03-20-2009: The Pleasures of Old School Resident Evil - Narrative Confusion
- 03-12-2009: GAM3RS the Play: A one-man show about the secret lives of gamers
- 03-11-2009: Why Am I Jumping?
- 03-10-2009: Vote for CarneyVale!
- 03-09-2009: IndieCade Call for Submissions (Updated)
- 03-06-2009: Early Baseball Interface Design: a Leadoff Homer
- 03-04-2009: The Pleasures of Old School Resident Evil - Battling Rampaging Sex Monsters
- 03-01-2009: My Minions and I
- 02-26-2009: Announcing Tipping Point!
- 02-25-2009: Postmortem: Showtime
- 02-21-2009: The Pleasures of Old School Resident Evil - Sherry Birkin
- 02-18-2009: LERN 2 PLAY
- 02-15-2009: The Pleasures of Old School Resident Evil - Slow Zombies
- 02-13-2009: Picopoke Named IGF Mobile "Next Great Mobile Game" Finalist
- 02-11-2009: The Game of History
- 02-11-2009: Boston Game Jam Games at Post Mortem
- 02-10-2009: Henry Jenkins Meets Michael Nitsche
- 02-09-2009: Podcast of Pearce Lecture Now Available
- 02-06-2009: Showtime a Unique Gale of Fresh Air
- 02-03-2009: Now guest-starring Celia Pearce!
- 02-03-2009: Congrats to GAMBIT's Bartel and Sullivan!
- 02-02-2009: Desmond Wong and the Art of CarneyVale
- 01-30-2009: Global Game Jam Live Webcast
- 01-28-2009: Chris Swain presents at MIT
- 01-26-2009: GAMBIT presents at GDC!
- 01-12-2009: Vote for Akrasia at JayIsGames!
- 01-12-2009: Game Career Guide interviews the Showtime team!
- 01-08-2009: GAMBIT alum wins XNA article contest!
- 01-07-2009: CarneyVale: Showtime named an IGF grand prize finalist!
- 01-06-2009: GAMBIT is looking for an Audio Director
- 01-05-2009: AudiOdyssey in the New York Times!
- 12-31-2008: Ringing in 2009 with Carneyvale: Showtime!
- 12-22-2008: CarneyVale: Showtime available on Xbox Live Community Games!
- 12-17-2008: Global Game Jam
- 12-02-2008: Podcasting Facade's Michael Mateas
- 11-29-2008: Matt Weise on Self-Reference in Games
- 11-24-2008: Introducing Ochos Locos and the Locos Engine!
- 11-19-2008: Co-PI Henry Jenkins leaving MIT for USC
- 10-31-2008: CarneyVale: Showtime on MIT News
- 10-31-2008: Introducing CarneyVale: Showtime, 2008 Dream-Build-Play winner!
- 10-27-2008: Tonight: Jesper Juul at Purple Blurb
- 10-22-2008: I'm Addicted to Alts
- 10-16-2008: What can you do after GAMBIT?
- 10-10-2008: Introducing Phorm!
- 10-03-2008: Introducing Oozerts!
- 10-01-2008: Relax after Spore with some GTA
- 09-26-2008: GAMBIT alumni win big at CONTRAST '08
- 09-19-2008: Announcing Moki Combat!
- 09-15-2008: Damn you, Charles Darwin!
- 09-11-2008: Research Proposal Deadline Extended to Dec 31, 2008
- 09-09-2008: GumBeat debuts!
- 09-03-2008: Akrasia - a Game Based on an Abstract Concept (or, How We Learned about Drug Abuse)
- 09-02-2008: Apocalyptic Videogames!
- 08-29-2008: Got Facebook? Get Muzaic!
- 08-25-2008: Hardcore Gaming and The Price of Indie Development
- 08-21-2008: Cheese! Picopoke is now live!
- 08-15-2008: First Games by Famous Designers
- 08-11-2008: Braid.
- 08-06-2008: GAMBIT Open House, Friday August 8th 10am-noon
- 08-01-2008: Go! Go! Go! Bionic!
- 07-24-2008: Backflow on Singapore's National Day official website!
- 07-21-2008: The Real Tragedy Is What Passes For Tragedy.
- 07-17-2008: Halo Kid slides backwards down the uncanny valley
- 07-17-2008: The best thing to come out of E3 '08
- 06-30-2008: Rockman Lovers Drivin' Lamborghinis
- 06-30-2008: What Games Can Learn From Shakespeare: Part One
- 06-27-2008: Throwback videogames, digital distro, and atavistic joy
- 06-26-2008: WiiWare, PSN, XBLA and the Long Tail
- 06-24-2008: Sometimes narrative as narrative is the answer
- 06-23-2008: Take the Rorschach test
- 06-18-2008: GAMBIT '08 students settling in
- 06-18-2008: William Uricchio to present learned lessons from GAMBIT at GLS 4.0
- 06-06-2008: GAMBIT Highlights a Year of Development & Research: Backflow
- 06-05-2008: AudiOdyssey in the press, with a quick correction
- 06-04-2008: GAMBIT Summer Orientation '08 - Singapore
- 05-23-2008: GAMBIT Highlights a Year of Development & Research: Wiip
- 05-21-2008: GAMBIT Highlights a Year of Development & Research: AudiOdyssey
- 05-19-2008: GAMBIT Highlights a Year of Development & Research: Elementalyst
- 05-16-2008: Dinos can't survive on bones alone
- 05-07-2008: The Pros of Cons
- 05-05-2008: Jesper Juul giving keynote at Game Philosophy Conference
- 04-16-2008: Second Skin at IFFBoston 2008
- 04-08-2008: Jesper Juul speaks at Columbia University April 10th
- 04-07-2008: Persepolis for Xbox 360?
- 04-04-2008: Rag Doll Kung Fu and the rough path to innovation
- 04-01-2008: GAMBIT Singapore Open House
- 03-30-2008: Violence and Games, One Student's Perspective (Part 1)
- 03-20-2008: Live tonight at GAMBIT US: Denis Dyack
- 03-19-2008: Ubisoft visits Singapore lab
- 03-18-2008: Life, Love, and Death... in five minutes.
- 03-12-2008: GAMBIT Singapore Lab Operational
- 03-10-2008: Game Design Bootcamp@Danube University Krems
- 03-04-2008: GDC 2008 Round Up
- 03-02-2008: Gambit in the News
- 01-15-2008: The Cultural Myths about First Person Shooters
- 01-08-2008: Now Hiring: Art Director, Technical Director
- 12-11-2007: Backflow is a finalist for IGF Mobile 2008
- 12-11-2007: 12/11/07: Boston Postmortem
- 12-07-2007: Zarf's Presentation at Purple Blurb 12/04/2007
- 12-06-2007: Product Placement and Gamer Culture
- 12-03-2007: 12/04/07: Karakuri: The Roots of Japanese Robot Technology
- 12-02-2007: Vivendi Games-Activision Merger Announced
- 11-26-2007: Ebert Likes Hitman, Hates Games
- 11-06-2007: 11/08/07: Games and Civic Engagement
- 11-06-2007: Hooray for Samus Aran!
- 10-31-2007: Friday Games @ GAMBIT: Horror
- 10-22-2007: Senators Love Games Too!
- 09-27-2007: Reflections on a GAMBIT Summer
- 09-10-2007: GAMBIT Makes News at GCA
- 09-05-2007: Would You Like to Play a Game?
- 09-04-2007: CNN on GAMBIT and AudiOdyssey
- 08-03-2007: Move II: Kendall Square
- 07-06-2007: Summer in Boston!
- 06-18-2007: Move I: The MIT Architecture Studio
- 06-15-2007: Pressing the Start Button
- 06-06-2007: Hiring: MIT Postdoctoral Associate 2007-2008
- 06-05-2007: 6/15/07: Brad Edelman, PlayFirst: Casual Games - Principles of Success
- 06-03-2007: GAMBIT email contact fixed
- 05-18-2007: 5/18/07: Paprika Sneak Preview, 5pm, Room 26-100
- 05-12-2007: MIT, IBM Team Up on First PlayStation 3 Course
- 05-11-2007: GAMBIT is hiring!
- 05-10-2007: OLPC Game Jam in Needham, MA, June 8-10 2007
- 05-09-2007: 5/11/07: Katherine Isbister, RPI, Better Game Characters by Design
- 05-09-2007: 5/9/07: Ben Sawyer, Serious Games Initiative
- 05-07-2007: Asian Game Developers Summit 2006 videos
- 05-07-2007: 3/7/07: What's in a game? The Art, Media, and Technology
- 04-25-2007: 10 Things You Will Not Like About Professional Game Development
- 04-23-2007: Doug Church visits GAMBIT
- 04-18-2007: 4/18/07: Matt Weise, 10 Things You Will Not Like About Professional Game Development
- 03-31-2007: Games Kids Play
- 03-21-2007: New York Times: Inside Japan's Puzzle Palace
- 03-16-2007: 3/22/07: Threshold Animation Studios
- 03-12-2007: 3/13/07: Dr Barbara Lippe, Girls-Games-Japan
- 02-15-2007: Wired News article on GAMBIT
- 02-13-2007: Introducing the HIMG
- 02-13-2007: FuturePlay 2007 Call for Papers
- 02-09-2007: StarCraft live-action SIK Game
- 02-08-2007: 2/20/07: Boston Postmortem
- 02-08-2007: 2/12/07: MIT Videogame Theorists Colloquium
- 02-07-2007: Other inspiring games
- 01-26-2007: Shmups and Beat-em-ups