Hey folks,
We're rolling out a slightly different format for our Friday Games at GAMBIT. Don't worry, we'll still have plenty of games to play, and of course, cookies.
What we are introducing however is a series of game related "rants" from people at the office, or friends of the lab. We are tired of just ranting at each other over lunch, so we decided to bring our ideas to the public, that being you!
So at 4:30 we will begin with a brief rant, followed by a series of games demonstrating principles or ideas from that afternoon's diatribe. So this Friday's rant features:
Diamonds and Dragons:
Why my RPG is Better than Yours!
by Abe Stein

As the lab's resident sports game fanatic, and as a former paper and pencil RPG player with repressed childhood Final Fantasy memories, I am going to rant about why modern sports games' "Career" and "My Player" modes are the best example of quality video game RPG's available today. Stats? Check. Dice Rolls? Check. Drama? Check. Oh, but it doesn't end there.
Some games we will be looking at:
NBA 2k10
MLB 09: The Show
NCAA Football 2010
NHL 10
Fight Night Round 4
See you Friday afternoon. Bring your helmet.