Check out the new website for the Complete Game-Completion Marathon!

Ladies and gentlemen, this year's participants for the Complete Game-Completion Marathon are in! Now we need your help. You can click on the link to the left to help us reach our goal of $10,000! All the proceeds directly benefit Haiti through the organization Partners in Health. We need to fill up that thermometer, and you can help us get there! Every single dollar you can spare will go a long way in helping the beautiful country and the people of Haiti to recover.
And now, without further ado, here are the teams who'll be marathoning on February 26-28:
The Stickhandlers

Abe Stein
Andy Bouchard
Lord Generoso Fierro
Game: NHL 10
A full 82 game hockey season (plus playoffs) with the beloved Boston Bruins on EA's NHL 10 on the Playstation 3. Trades will not be initiated by the players, but computer initiated trades will be reviewed. Acquisitions via free agency are fair game. We are also going to play the All-Star Game. Lots of fights will be instigated by the players. We will probably wear the alternate jersey with the bear, or throwback sweaters for the majority of the games. Also, Scott Thornton will probably be moved to the first line. Abe intends to spend the entire 25 hours speaking Canadian, Andy might knock out some teeth training for the event, and don't be surprised if Gene is wearing skates and tearing up the lab carpet. The B's might not win the Stanley Cup this year in reality, but they sure as hell will this February!
Estimated Duration: 25 Hours
Fire Hose for Haiti

Eitan Glinert
Tovah Heller
Sharat Bhat
Ethan Fenn
Games: Final Fantasy, Mega Man 9, Mario Kart(s)
It's the Three Ring Circus!
1. Final Fantasy (NES), all White Mage run: We will complete the entire
Final Fantasy with the worst party possible, four white mages. No
partial credit here; we only get points if we finish the game and
defeat Chaos.
2. Mega Man 9 Challenge Run (XBLA/PSN/WiiWare): Mega Man 9 is a
ridiculously hard game with 50 insane challenges that make the game
that much harder. We will attempt to finish AT LEAST 40 of the 50 challenges, with extra credit for each achievement beyond 40.
3. Mario Kart Extravaganza: We will play through every 150cc cup in
every console Mario Kart game (SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii). Our success
will be based on the LOWEST trophy level we get; thus if we get 19
golds and 1 silver then our performance is rated silver. We will be
trying for all golds!
Bonus: While we play we will blog, pontificate, and generally do
interesting stuff for people following online.
On top of all that, world famous Fire Hose artist extraordinaire Jacques Pena will be
making incredible video game art of the games we are playing and taking
requests during the weekend. Contributors who donate a certain amount
(probably $100) will be getting free one-of-a-kind art as a thank you! Details coming soon!
Estimated Duration: 35 Hours
Fire Hose Website
Being Bad in the Service of Good

Rik Eberhardt
Mike Rapa
Games: Mass Effect 1+2
Rik's Game: Mass Effect
Completion Goals: 1 complete playthrough, gaining the achievements: Long Service Medal (Complete 2 Mass Effect Playthroughs on any setting), Distinguished Combat Medal (Complete 1 Mass Effect playthrough on the Hardcore difficulty setting. Do not change the setting.), Renegade (Accumulate 75% of total Renegade points) for a total of 65 achievement points to my gamertag:
nrrdk0re (inching me ever closer to the breaking 10000 points)
The setting of Mass Effect has one man forming a team of experts to save the universe, despite protestations from the galactic council that there is no real problem. Developed by Bioware, the game has a system of morality, wherein your character can be a 'Paragon' or a 'Renegade' based on the things you say to other characters in the game. It's kind of like good or evil, but the universe still gets saved either way. It's really more like playing as a nice guy or as a jerk. I'm always the nice guys in games like this, so my challenge to myself is to be the jerkiest jerk I can be. I'll also be playing as a female character, because again, I always end up playing nice white guys in games like this. I'll be the stereotypical American Jingoist blow-hard in a foreign country (although replace 'Human' with American, and 'Alien galaxy' for 'foreign country'). But the Universe will still get saved, and I might even get the guy or alien.
Estimated Duration: 32 hours
Mike's Game: Mass Effect 2
Completion Goals: Complete a playthrough as the polar opposite of my first playthrough: A Renegade Female.
Whenever I play ANY Bioware game I always find myself unable to play as an evil character, Mass Effect 2 was no different in this regard (I played a male paragon). This time I plan on going against every bone in my gamer-body and playing as an evil (renegade) character, taking ALL do-evil opportunities that are given to me during my playthrough (I'll also play as a girl, for the sake of variety!)
Estimated Duration: 25 Hours
A Song for the World

Philip Tan
Game: Hatsune Miku: Project Diva
Completion Goal: unlock all 39 songs at Normal
I've already been outed as a Hatsune Miku
enthusiast, so I'm glad to have a chance to use her music to support disaster relief in Haiti. So if you're also a Vocaloid fan (and I'm sure there are some of you out there), this is your chance to help out!
Much as I love this game, I haven't been able to get past half of the songs... on Easy mode! The game is pretty harsh when it comes to timing. I'm not even familiar with all the songs in the game, which range from
swing to heavy metal to Finnish Polka.
Other folks may have an easier time, but this is tough for me. I expect to spend one hour breezing through the simplest songs, and spending an hour on each of the rest, memorizing the songs and button presses, and hoping that my timing isn't off. This will get much harder as I get tired, so I will take breaks to maximize my chances of completing the marathon, but I won't count those breaks as part of the marathon.
Completing each song not only unlocks more songs, but on normal difficulty, it also unlocks the music videos for playback. So I'll start a brand new save and work from the beginning. My proof (if I succeed) will be to play back any music video requested on the Ustream feed.
I will be in Singapore during the CGCM, but I will have my PSP with me, as well as my laptop for video streaming. Hope to see you online!
Estimated Duration: 30 Hours
The Panzerfaustian Bargain

Owen Macindoe
Greg Varga
Katrina Panovich
Brandon Rahhal
Game: Left 4 Dead
You want Zombies? We got em. You want fire, oh we've got fire. Who knew you could shotgun blast hordes of flesh/brain eating undead all for charity?
This is a 4 player cooperative simultaneous multiplayer marathon, which means check in to the webcam to watch all 4 members of The Panzerfaustian Bargain sweat it out in the Airport, the woods, the hospital, and wherever else they end up.
Estimated Duration: 8 Hours
Team FunWolfe

Jen Lak
Joe Canadas
Ben Wilson
Matt Cheung
Game: Shadow of the Colossus
Airwolf, but FunWolfe, but there's not too much fun in slaughtering innocent Collossi. Oops, did I blow it for you?
Watch as FunWolfe launches itself into the bleak world of Shadow of the Colossus. Don't forget to wear your chaps, we're gonna be doing a lot of horseback riding!
Estimated Duration: 8 hours
Team FunWolfe: LoneWolfe

Casey Malone
Game: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Airwolf, but FunWolfe, and this time, a team offshoot. Yes it is one of
our favorites OF ALL TIME! Pick up your flutes, strap on your pointy
ears, and whistle a tune. We're headed to Hyrule for some classic 3D
Zelda action!
You know it is the best Zelda game out there, so support Casey in a quest to finish in one sitting!
Estimated Duration: 15 Hours