January 31, 2012 1:53 PM
MIT Undergrads: make games as a UROP with us this Spring!
Would you like to make games as a UROP at the GAMBIT Game Lab this Spring semester?
All of our UROP positions are 6-10 hours of work per week in a team environment and on-site at the GAMBIT Game Lab. You can work for credit (6-12 credits) or pay (the standard UROP rate of $9.75/hour). All positions are open to anyone eligible for an MIT UROP.
All of the work our UROPs do this Spring will help us create successful games in our Summer program this year.
Please email Rik Eberhardt with the following:
- Statement of interest in this UROP
- Resume
- your known schedule for Spring & your available hours to work
More information about our program can be found here:
More information about MIT's UROP program and eligibility information can be found here:
We are hiring for the following positions for either pay or credit:
7 Programmers
- Languages/environments we'll be using this semester include: Actionscript, Javascript, C#, and Unity
- previous experience preferred, either on the job/UROP experience with the language in use, or relevant coursework
12 Game Designers
- previous experience preferred, either through coursework (CMS.608, CMS.611), previous UROP at GAMBIT or with STEP/EdArcade, or personal projects
- we will be creating both paper and digital prototypes
2 Producers
- split between two projects, responsible for organizing tasks and packaging deliverables
- previous team project experience preferred, or relevant coursework
2 Quality Assurance Interns (half-time)
We are hiring for games that involve the following topics this Spring:
- Metaphor in Abstract Games
- Identity Representation and LGBT issues
- Narrative Design & Emergent AI
- Hidden Object Games
- Learning
- Serious Games
- Demonstrating Relativity
January 25, 2012 10:09 AM
Dice Are Fun; rand() Isn't.
I am a longtime fan of Games Workshop's Blood Bowl, an American football-inspired miniatures game set in the Warhammer universe. In the game, each player controls a team made-up of characters from a fantasy race, such as dwarves, orcs, elves and humans, among myriad others. Gameplay is turn-based, and the object is to get the ball into the opponent's endzone, thereby earning a touchdown and scoring 1 point. Each team has sixteen turns, and at the end the team with the most points wins.
The game is almost entirely dice-driven: if you want to do anything other than move a player through empty space, you're going to have to roll dice and deal with the outcome. The rolls are affected by your player's various statistics, skills, and proximity to hostile players. Most of these rolls use standard six-sided dice, with a set of special "block dice" to use when players hit each other. The game is in fact extremely violent: it's not uncommon for a player to die during the match, and some players bring a variety of weapons with them onto the field. The secret to being a successful Blood Bowl coach is knowing how to weight all these random factors in your favor, and when to take risks. Nothing is ever guaranteed, of course, and you have to accept that when you sit down to play.
This mix of randomness and violence leads to a game characterized by tactics and mayhem. Indeed, one of the game's great appeal is its hilariously juvenile world that has been built-up over 25 years. It is both a wonderful satire of modern sport culture and downright funny in its own right. Just mentioning "Blood Bowl" to someone in the know always elicits a smile. This point is especially important: that the game is often fun because it is so chaotic and unpredictable, and most Blood Bowl players I know have one or two great stories about how the dice saved, or ruined, the day.
Luckily for us fans of the game, in 2010 a new digital version came out on multiple platforms. Digital Blood Bowl dates back to the mid 1990's: I mostly learned the game playing an MS-DOS version. Recently I've been playing the PSP version, leading a team of Wood Elves through the campaign mode (and kicking quite a bit of ass, if I do say so myself). Playing this way has lead me to think a lot about the social nature of play, and to realize that how I interpret randomness in a game is heavily context-based. To illustrate this, I offer the following anecdote:
Early in the campaign, there was a moment when the ball was mid-field, stuck in a mess of players and not moving anywhere easily. It was the AI's turn, and while it is not particularly good, it managed to break a hole in my line. One of their players ran through the opening towards my endzone, and blitzed one of the linemen I had left behind for safety. The block die came up "both down," both players failed their armor rolls, and both rolled a 12 on the injury table. Yes, really.
In layman's terms: one of their players got into my backfield and hit one of my players so hard that they both died on the spot.
In some sense, this should have been an epic moment. I'd never seen this particular combination of results. Had I been playing at a table with a friend, this moment would have immediately become legend. We would have laughed and cursed for a good twenty minutes before resuming the game, and we would tell the tale to our friends and fellow Blood Bowl-ers for years. Songs would be song for the brave Dwarf so desperate to hit an Elf that he killed himself in the process. It would have been a truly amazing moment.
But, staring into a small screen by myself, all I could think was, "well, I can't afford to replace that guy," and all I could do was quit out and restart the game with an air of annoyance.
There are two reasons for this.
The first has to do with pace and feedback. Had this event happened in a tabletop game, there would have been a lot of suspense and tension around the dice rolls. Seeing the "both down" result, watching each player fail their armor checks, seeing the first player die, thinking and laughing about how great it would be if the other died, and then watching in amazement as those last two dice come up 6. Describing it now, I wish I could have seen it play-out that way. However, the PSP handles these rolls automatically, and displays a continuous text-based log of all the dice rolls and their results. Practically speaking, this event, which would have taken 2 or 3 minutes in a real game (which includes time to talk about what's happening and hope for a dramatic outcome), was over in 3 seconds.
The second has to do with our relationship to randomness. As humans, we never quite rid ourselves of the belief that we can somehow intentionally influence random outcomes. Every child who plays games believes that he or she has some degree of skill with respect to rolling dice or drawing cards, and as we grow-up we never quite shake that belief. In my gaming groups I'm a notorious roller of 1s. Whether or not I roll badly more often than anyone else I don't actually know, but we all share that belief anyway. In some ways these ideas are superstitious, but with dice there is also the knowledge that we did, in fact, make that happen. There is always the knowledge that if I threw the die a little harder, or maybe in a different direction, a different result may have occurred. The result may have been more-or-less random, but it's still my fault that the randomness went that way.
Playing such a game on a computer, however, removes all of these factors. Randomness was just random, and I really had nothing to do with it. Add in the fact that there is room for error in software - the constant suspicion of a bug somewhere - and the randomness becomes less exciting and more suspect: you start to wonder if bad luck is a bad bug, even though you know it's probably just luck.
In these respects, then, randomness in a game is very human. We find it fun because of our complex relationship to the way we generate these random values, and much of the fun comes in sharing that with other people. Computers dehumanize randomness, and games such as Blood Bowl, which rely heavily on dice, do not translate well into digital media. The Blood Bowl experience is simply better with another person across the table, not across the network.
I enjoy rolling dice on the table: their tactile nature, the sounds, the tension, and my own implication in the result. A random number function removes all of these elements, and leaves me wondering if I can trust it.
January 24, 2012 4:38 PM
Spacewar! Turns 50: GAMBIT Celebrates The First Video Game With Two Special Events
In 1961, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) gave MIT a PDP-1 computer and the
games began. From discussions about "interesting "displays" to new lessons in interactive programming, MIT's Kludge room became the birthplace of Spacewar! Celebrate the 50th anniversary of this momentous occasion with two larger-than-life celebrations of this influential game.

On February 8th, 2012 from 9AM-5PM on the MIT Stata Center's "Student Street" (1st floor) you can play a new iteration of Spacewar! built by the Singapore-MIT
GAMBIT Game Lab on a giant mockup of the PDP-1 monitor made especially for the 50th anniversary.

And at The MIT Museum beginning at 5:00PM on February 10th, 2012, you will have a
second chance to play the new iteration of Spacewar! on the specially created giant mockup of the PDP-1 monitor and on the big presentation screen at The MIT Museum. At 6:30PM, GAMBIT's US Executive Director Philip Tan will moderate a panel featuring one of the creators of the original game, Martin "Shag" Graetz as well as two members of the PDP-1 Restoration Project, Eric Smith and Mike Chiponis.
So, join us for these two free special events here coming up on February 8th and 10th here at MIT!
January 18, 2012 6:26 PM
Looking Glass Studios Interview Series - Audio Podcast 9 - Terri Brosius and Dan Thron

Part 9 of a continuing series, where I interview members of the now-defunct but highly influential Looking Glass Studios (1990-2000), which wrote the book on 3D first-person narrative game design throughout the 90s, in such games as Ultima Underworld, System Shock, and Thief.
This week is Terri Brosius and Dan Thron. Dan was an artist/animator on Terra Nova, System Shock 2, and all three Thief games, doing much to solidify the look and feel of the Thief universe. Terri was a voice-actor in both System Shock (as SHODAN) and Thief (as Victoria) as well as a writer/designer for Thief, doing much to shape the overall story arc of the franchise.
I talk with Terri and Dan about how they got into the industry, what influenced them in their contributions to the Thief franchise in particular, and what they consider good storytelling/world building in video games (and why it seems to be so scarce).
If you ever wanted to know who to thank for Thief's infamous eyeball-plucking scene check it out!
Download The Podcast!
To subscribe to the RSS Feed, enter http://feeds.feedburner.com/LGSpodcast in to your podcast client or RSS reader of choice.
January 13, 2012 4:05 PM
Want to know more about our Summer Game Development Program for Undergraduates?

We recently had an information session about our Summer Game Development program and how to apply. Watch this now and let us know if you have any questions!
Applications are open until February 13:
We're Looking For A Few Good Game Developers!
Program Dates: June 11th - August 10th, 2012
Where: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Local Area Applications Accepted: January 9th, 2012 - February 13, 2012
GAMBIT's Summer Program is a nine week, full time, intensive game development experience. Students from Singapore join students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to create video games at the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Development teams are composed entirely of student interns, who are responsible for all aspects of the project -- production to programming, game design and art, music and sound, and of course, thorough testing to create a robust, engaging game.
Eligibility Requirements
- You must be a current college undergraduate; however, those graduating in the academic year 2011 - 2012 are still eligible to apply for our 2012 summer program.
- Your home institution must be within 50 miles of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to be eligible to apply.
- Please note that when selecting our local interns, the GAMBIT program strongly favors those students who have worked with us during the school year.
January 13, 2012 9:58 AM
Friday Games @ GAMBIT - Puzzles and the MIT Mystery Hunt
We start our first Friday Games @ GAMBIT for January today at 4:30pm. It's all about the MIT Mystery Hunt!
We'll be talking briefly about Marc LeBlanc's eight kinds of fun, and then we'll introduce the MIT Mystery Hunt, an annual puzzle competition held at MIT during our January Independent Activity Period (IAP), and the kinds of puzzles/gameplay it presents.
Afterwards, the audience is welcome to join us for an evening of solving!
Come join us and as always, if you can make it to the lab, we'll broadcast live at https://gambit.mit.edu/live via Ustream.
January 11, 2012 5:52 PM
GAMBIT Presents Two New Gaming Documentaries January 12th and 13th (with director Q &A)
The Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab presents two new films about the world of gaming. Both screenings begin at 7PM in room 10-250 at MIT with the directors in attendance who will run a Q and A after the completion of each film. On January 12th is Lorien Green's new documentary, "Going Cardboard" which takes you into the world of "designer" board gaming, from the community of enthusiastic fans to the publishers and self-publishers, and of course, the designers. On January 13th is the documentary by Jason Scott entitled "Get Lamp". Get Lamp tells the story of the creation of "computer adventure games", in the words of the people who made them. Both screenings are FREE and open to the public. Event hosted by Generoso Fierro of the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab
January 5, 2012 2:40 PM
The Incredibly Silly Trailer for Game Of The Week 2012 Is Up!
Just uploaded for your viewing pleasure is trailer promoting the 2012 edition of Game Of The Week! Beginning February 20th, 2012...On the Monday of each week, a new video exploring the origins and processes of developing each Summer 2011 game project will be posted. GAMBIT Audio Director Abe Stein will post blogs during the week, featuring concept art, design documents, and analysis of the highlighted game will be offered for your viewing pleasure! Video Produced by Generoso Fierro, edited by James Barrile, music by Abe Stein. Check out the series beginning February 20th, 2012 at https://gambit.mit.edu/gotw
January 9, 2012 12:00 PM
Local (Cambridge, MA) Applications open for the GAMBIT Game Lab Summer Program

We're Looking For A Few Good Game Developers!
Program Dates: June 11th - August 10th, 2012
Where: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Local Area Applications Accepted: January 9th, 2012 - February 13, 2012
GAMBIT's Summer Program is a nine week, full time, intensive game development experience. Students from Singapore join students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to create video games at the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Development teams are composed entirely of student interns, who are responsible for all aspects of the project -- production to programming, game design and art, music and sound, and of course, thorough testing to create a robust, engaging game.
Eligibility Requirements
- You must be a current college undergraduate; however, those graduating in the academic year 2011 - 2012 are still eligible to apply for our 2012 summer program.
- Your home institution must be within 50 miles of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to be eligible to apply.
- Please note that when selecting our local interns, the GAMBIT program strongly favors those students who have worked with us during the school year.
More info about the summer program can be found at our application site or attend our information session this Friday:
Come visit the GAMBIT Lab on Friday, January 13th from 2-4pm to find out how you can work at the GAMBIT Game Lab this Spring and Summer. See eligibility requirements below.
Please RSVP: reberhar@mit.edu
The event will take place in our lab at MIT: NE25-3rd Floor. The physical address is: 5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA.
Applications for the summer program are open now, apply today!
January 3, 2012 12:00 PM
1/13/2012: Want to make games at the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab? Infosession for students: 2-4pm
Come visit the GAMBIT Lab on Friday, January 13th from 2-4pm to find out how you can work at the GAMBIT Game Lab this Spring and Summer. See eligibility requirements below.
Please RSVP: reberhar@mit.edu
The event will take place in our lab at MIT: NE25-3rd Floor. The physical address is: 5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA.
We're Looking For A Few Good Game Developers!
Program Dates: June 11th - August 10th, 2012
Where: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Local Area Applications Accepted: January 6th, 2012 - February 13, 2012
GAMBIT's Summer Program is a nine week, full time, intensive game development experience. Students from Singapore join students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to create video games at the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Development teams are composed entirely of student interns, who are responsible for all aspects of the project -- production to programming, game design and art, music and sound, and of course, thorough testing to create a robust, engaging game.
Eligibility Requirements
- You must be a current college undergraduate; however, those graduating in the academic year 2011 - 2012 are still eligible to apply for our 2012 summer program.
- Your home institution must be within 50 miles of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to be eligible to apply.
- Please note that when selecting our local interns, the GAMBIT program strongly favors those students who have worked with us during the school year.
More info about the summer program can be found at our application site.
January 3, 2012 12:00 PM
Global Game Jam at the GAMBIT Game Lab - tune in January 27 at 5pm!
For the past 3 years, the GAMBIT lab has been a host site for the Global Game Jam, an international gathering of game developers (both professional and amateur) who meet for 3 days to make games together. Each year the Global Game Jam has a theme that all of the games follow. Last year, 1482 games were made at 169 various locations, all based around the theme, 'EXTINCTION'.
At the GAMBIT Game Lab in MIT, 60 people met on Friday at 5pm to find out what the theme was. 48 hours later, we had 16 games completed, which can all be played online.
This year, we already have 75 people registered for our site. Check back with us January 27th at https://gambit.mit.edu/ggj to see the progress of the games as we make them. We'll have a live video stream and reports from our coordinators.
If you'd like to apply for our site, we are full but still accepting people to our wait list. We also encourage people to apply for the other Boston-area sites:
in Boston: Northeastern University
in Worcester: Worcester Polytechnic Institute & Becker College