This page contains all entries posted to GAMBIT in May 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.
April 2007 is the previous archive.
June 2007 is the next archive.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.
- 5/18/07: Paprika Sneak Preview, 5pm, Room 26-100
- MIT, IBM Team Up on First PlayStation 3 Course
- GAMBIT is hiring!
- OLPC Game Jam in Needham, MA, June 8-10 2007
- 5/11/07: Katherine Isbister, RPI, Better Game Characters by Design
- 5/9/07: Ben Sawyer, Serious Games Initiative
- Asian Game Developers Summit 2006 videos
- 3/7/07: What's in a game? The Art, Media, and Technology
[What is this?]
May 18, 2007 2:16 PM
5/18/07: Paprika Sneak Preview, 5pm, Room 26-100
From acclaimed Japanese director, Satoshi Kon, best known for his films, Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress and Tokyo Grandfathers.
The screening is open to the general public and is free. Screening courtesy of Comparative Media Studies at MIT and Sony Pictures.
Born on October 12, 1963 in Hokkaido, Satoshi Kon went to Musashino Art University and studied Visual Communication Design. While at the University, he made his debut as a comic artist at Young Magazine (published by Kodansha, Japan). His detailed illustration and composition became highly regarded, and he went on to work on Kaikisen (Regression Line) and World Apartment Horror. His work includes: Roujin Z, as a background artist; Run, Meros as a layout artist; Patlabor 2 as a background and layout artist, and Memories as a background and layout artist and screenwriter. His unique composition where everything within the frame is clearly defined and cleverly laid out attracted the industry's attention. In 1998, he made his directorial debut with Perfect Blue which gained him international attention. 2002 saw the release of his second film Millennium Actress and in 2003, Tokyo Godfathers debuted. All of his feature films have been screened at the top international film festivals around the world. In 2004, he directed his first television series, Paranoia Agent. Paprika is his latest anime feature.
May 12, 2007 3:09 PM
MIT, IBM Team Up on First PlayStation 3 Course
From the MIT News Office, May 2, 2007:
MIT's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and IBM have announced the recent completion of the first course in the United States structured around the capabilities of the Cell Broadband Engine (Cell/B.E.), the microprocessor that powers the new PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system...Throughout the course, students became familiar with the Cell/B.E. and how its design choices compare to other emerging architectures. Students also formed small project teams and participated in a course-long project to develop applications to run on the Cell Broadband Engine using the IBM Cell SDK available from IBM developerWorks.
Read the full article
May 11, 2007 3:00 AM
GAMBIT is hiring!
The Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab is hiring postdocs and game development staff. Postdocs will have to teach, manage teams, perform research, and submit papers for publication. For game developers, we're currently looking for leads for design, art and programming with at least three years of commercial game development experience in their fields of speciality.
Applications for positions beginning in September should be submitted by June 15. For more information, click Join Game.
May 10, 2007 3:30 PM
OLPC Game Jam in Needham, MA, June 8-10 2007
Applications are due 11:59pm EST May 12. Apply here!
From the OLPC Game Jam website:
The OLPC Game Jam is a game design and programming event designed to encourage (simultaneously) experimentation and innovation in the game industry and kick off development of open-source games for the OLPC platform (the XO). A group of game developers will get together over a three-day period to make as many innovative games as possible for the laptop, which is being distributed to children in developing countries around the world. Our goal is not just some great games and experimentation for the XO Laptop but also to bring the unique constraints and output of this project to next years GDC Experimental Gameplay Workshop. Code will be released on SourceForge under the GNU General Public License so everyone can freely experiment with the source and games.
May 9, 2007 8:00 PM
5/11/07: Katherine Isbister, RPI, Better Game Characters by Design
A Psychological Approach
HCI Seminar Series Spring 2007
1:30pm at the Star Seminar Room (32-D463)
Refreshments at 1:15pm
Host: Rob Miller, MIT CSAIL
Increasingly, HCI practitioners are turning to digital games and other leisure technologies for insights into how to approach design outside the workplace and the office. Games themselves are currently engaged in a major evolution, driven by growth in technical sophistication and audience reach. One essential innovation games can bring to HCI practice is the tremendous success of interactive characters in games - both as player avatars, and as 'NPCs' (non-player characters). In this session we'll examine the underlying psychological principles that help to make the best game characters compelling to players. Taking a psychological approach to understanding their design allows us to extend the insights their designers have had into other application areas in which social and emotional principles come into play.
For more information please contact Michael Bernstein (msbernst AT mit DOT edu)
May 9, 2007 7:26 AM
5/9/07: Ben Sawyer, Serious Games Initiative
Wednesday, May 9, E51-145
5:30pm - 6:30pm
The MIT Game Tycoons are pleased to welcome Ben Sawyer, Director of the Serious Games Initiative to MIT. Ben will talk about the state of the Serious Games industry and his work to promote the use of interactive games as tools for learning in all types of disciplines.
The Serious Games Initiative is focused on uses for games in exploring management and leadership challenges facing the public sector. Part of its overall charter is to help forge productive links between the electronic game industry and projects involving the use of games in education, training, health, and public policy.
May 7, 2007 3:47 PM
Asian Game Developers Summit 2006 videos
Lectures from AGDS 2006, held last December in Singapore, are now available through Google Video. Lots of good presentations from familiar names such as Noah Falstein (The 400 Project), Kristine Coco (Midway Studios), Ragnar Tørnquist (The Longest Journey), Tim Donley (Planescape: Torment), Chris Natsuume (Far Cry), Tracy Fullerton (USC), Raymond Wong (Koei Singapore), Jamie Fristrom (Spider-man 2).
Thanks to Allan Simonsen, coordinator of the Singapore chapter of the IGDA, for making these clips available!
May 7, 2007 1:00 PM
3/7/07: What's in a game? The Art, Media, and Technology
Monday, May 7th, 7:30-9:30pm
Room 250, Jefferson Hall, Harvard University
A panel discussion exploring the nature and potential of video games and
interactive media, presented by the Harvard Interactive Media Group, in collaboration with the MIT VideoGame Theorists. Join us for a reception beforehand, 6:30-7:30PM, and meet other students,
academics, and industry professionals from around the Boston area.
To attend, please send an RSVP email to: gilbert AT fas DOT harvard DOT edu. Details are available on the HIMG site.