Everyone has that one game, you know the game...The one game that everyone loves
but you despise. Well, here at The Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab we are
channeling all of that rage into one super fun entertaining event: The First
Annual Crappy Game Complaining Marathon to benefit our local Boys and Girls
Club Cambridge Clubhouse!
On Saturday February 18th from noon till midnight, Boston-area independent game
developers and our own GAMBIT staff will lash out publicly at the very games
they secretly (or not so secretly) loathe. From "Super Mario Galaxy on Wii" to
"Half-Life 2", watch and revel in the mockery on UStream, while donating to your
favorite team as each $2,500 we raise funds one program at the Boys and Girls
Club for a year! This year's goal is to fund three programs.
That's Saturday, February 18th from noon until midnight. Watch online and donate
at: http://cgcmarathon.org/