The theme of the Global Game Jam is no longer REDACTED, it is DECEPTION. We've got 8 teams all of whom have been very creative in their application of the themes and constraints to their game designs.
Our games (titles only - I don't want to accidentally spoil them with a lengthy description):
- Quest for Stick
- RunRunRunJump
- Pigmalion
- Press X to Not Die
- Jumble is Trademarked
- The Hunt Alone
- The Last Bullfight (working title)
- Define Yourself
I've been on silent running for most of the day. The Jammers here have been super-productive. Rather than bugging them with interviews, I've been stalking them, trying to capture fun moments and interesting dialog on the webcam, as well as Twitter-stalking them. Oh, and I made sure they were fed.
A few of the teams created Twitter accounts for their games. @questforstick has been posting some intricate character artwork for their Shaman and for the boss enemy, the Eaglewhale.
@RunRunRunJump has been a prolific tweeter, posting each time changes are submitted to their version control server. I wonder if the avatar for their Twitter account has something to do with the game?
Today, 7:54 AM: Day two begins I dreamt of piggies.
Today, 3:35 PM: Watching mrapa draw how bacon is made
Today, 4:37 PM: all this talk of pigs and bacon makes me hungry
Today, 8:14 PM: I got a fever. And the only prescription, is more Bacon.
Mike Rapa, our Technical Support Specialist, is probably to blame, as he's been working on the art for "Pigmalion":

So far, that's all the dirt I've been able to dig up on these Jammers. "The Last Bullfight" and "Define Yourself" are working just as hard as the rest, but aren't being as obvious as posting pics or videos to the Twitter accounts that I'm aware of. I'll work on 'em some more tonight and see if I can get some material to share before the big reveal tomorrow.
Our games will be available from the our site's page at the Global Game Jam website tomorrow at 3pm. We'll be broadcasting the presentations live via the webcam and post video as soon as we have it. There's just over two more hours of work left today and then I can get some shut-eye!
Also due tomorrow - a look at the Jammers themselves!