After the success of our previous events, the People's Republic of Interactive Fiction will host a special playing session event on Halloween. IF you're in the Boston area, come and play!
Get ready for Halloween and come to play The Lurking Horror, an interactive fiction piece that brings Lovecraftian horrors to G.U.E. Tech, a fictional version of MIT. Dave Lebling, author of The Lurking Horror and Zork, also an MIT alumn, will join us as we fight the creatures of the Unspeakable . After playing, we will offer a tour of the different locations in the game.
If you have not played interactive fiction (a.k.a. text adventures) before, this is your chance to learn the basics. If you already know how to play, come and experience how fun it is to play interactive fiction with a room full of people. If you've heard the call of Cthulhu, this is the place to be.
The event will also be broadcast online
You can get more information on the event and other Interactive Fiction related activities at