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9/9/09: GAMBIT UROP Open House, 5-7pm

It's not just Video Game Innovation Day in Massachusetts, the release of The Beatles: Rock Band and the 10th anniversary of the Dreamcast, it's the UROP Open House at GAMBIT! YAY \^o^/

Yes, I know I just posted about this a few days ago... a reminder is always helpful. No RSVP is required. Come talk to GAMBIT staff about upcoming projects!

Wednesday, September 9th, 5-7pm (map)

We're inviting MIT undergraduates from any major to participate in our Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) this Fall. We offer direct pay compensation or credit for work.

So if you're interested in joining a team of fellow undergraduates, collaborating with students from other universities, and working with our research and development staff to make digital or non-digital games, please feel free to contact Rik Eberhardt ( for more information.

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