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Details for the IGDA Health Game Jam

The Boston Postmortem blog has details for the IGDA Health Game Jam we mentioned last week. From the website:

If you haven't been to a game jam, it is a gathering of people who are dedicated to creating a game in a short period of time. Attendees work individually or in teams and there's a general feeling of camaraderie as everyone works toward their end goal in a shared space.. Those interested in developing a game should bring a laptop to our site as computers will not be provided.

The event will be held this weekend, 5/21-23, at Microsoft New England Research & Development in Cambridge. To register and for directions, visit our registration page. The event will run Friday through Sunday at the following times:

5/21 5pm-8pm (dinner)
5/22 9am-6pm (breakfast/lunch/dinner)
5/23 9am-5pm (breakfast/lunch)

Healthy meals will be provided as indicated above, and beverages will be available.

Appropriate for a health game jam, the hours for the event make it easy for participants to get proper meals and a good night's sleep. Bravo!

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