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Looking Glass Studios Interview Series - Audio Podcast 3 - Tim Stellmach and Laura Baldwin


Part 3 of a continuing series, where I interview members of the now-defunct but highly influential Looking Glass Studios (1990-2000), which wrote the book on 3D first-person narrative game design throughout the 90s, in such games as Ultima Underworld, System Shock, and Thief.

In this episode I talk with Tim Stellmach and Laura Baldwin. Tim was lead designer on Thief and Thief II, as well as a designer on Underworld II, System Shock, and Terra Nova. Laura was a designer/writer on Thief. She also worked in System Shock 2.

Again we are joined on this podcast by Sara Verrilli, QA on System Shock and designer on Thief and Thief 2.

The discussion mostly covers Thief, though there is some discussion of other projects. If you want to find out where lingo like "taffer" comes from, or what it means, be sure to check it out!

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On May 12, 2011 at 12:54 AM, jonmaiara Author Profile Page said:

Great job, everybody! I'm continually impressed with how much sophisticated thinking and design there was going on, and how little I knew about it at the time.

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