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More Undergraduate Research Positions available at the US lab! (UROP)


The US lab is hiring undergraduate researchers through MIT's UROP program for the Fall semester! Only students eligible for an MIT UROP can apply.

Apply by sending the following to Rik Eberhardt
- the position you're interested in
- resume & statement of interest -- Why do you want the position? What do you bring to it? How does this fit with your MIT education?
- your current schedule (specifically, hours you CANNOT work)


We are looking for programmers with experience working in teams on software projects and with experience outside normal classwork.

Unity Programmer for The Snowfield (
Want to make a GAME?
- programming languages in use: C#, but we are considering anyone with experience creating complete projects in C, C++, C#, or Java
- the task for the Fall semester is to work with 1 other programmer, a designer, and a 3D artist to create additional gameplay prototypes based on the current game
- 10 hours / week
- looking for a Fall commitment (12 weeks, through December 18th)

ActionScript Programmer for the One-Button Audio Game
Want to make Development Tools?
- programming languages in use: ActionScript, but we are considering anyone with experience creating complete projects in C, C++, C#, Python or Java
- the task for the Fall semester is to work with 1 other programmer to complete a project that we've been working on for the past year.
- This is an engine and design tool for creating audio-only games that are played with one button
- 10 hours / week
- looking for a Fall & Spring commitment (12 weeks, through December 18th and 12 weeks, February through May)


We have an entry-level UROP available at the GAMBIT Game Lab for undergraduates who want to do game design and development, but aren't yet sure what role they want to do.

Quality Assurance is the act of analyzing and testing games and tools currently in development. People willing to repeat the same task over and over and over again are most welcome to apply! Testing involves both technical testing (making sure the games run on multiple environments) and focus testing (watching people play the game and collecting data on what they liked and where they got frustrated).


We are currently looking for a marketing intern for the Fall 2011 Semester. You would be working with and reporting directly to the Communication Director for the lab. Your primary responsibilites are the growth of our social networking functions, specifically but not exclusive to our presence on Facebook and Twitter. Developing a strategy for our social networking through research into proven techiques and game theory as well as producing weekly reports on their use. You will work closely with our outreach working group in gaining a clear understanding of GAMBITs projects and outreach efforts. We are looking for a 10 hour per week commitment to this position.

About GAMBIT's UROP program

MIT undergraduates who wish to gain experience in developing games should consider joining the fall or spring game development UROP program with GAMBIT. The fall and spring semester UROPs are designed to prepare students for the game development workflow and to help them gain familiarity with development tools that will be needed for the Summer Internship Program. MIT undergraduates working with GAMBIT may elect to receive direct or sponsored UROP funding or may choose to receive credit instead. GAMBIT UROPs should be familiar with standard MIT UROP Office procedures and deadlines.

Interested MIT undergraduates of any major should join our UROP announcement mailing list and our follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates!

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