September 27, 2007 3:29 PM
Reflections on a GAMBIT Summer
As a new semester gets going full-swing for MIT students and faculty, with classes and projects threatening to subsume all memory of summer, it seemed an ideal time to reflect on the accomplishments of a group of students that eschewed summer frivolity for nine weeks of hard work. The GAMBIT Summer Program brought brilliant students from Singapore's tertiary education institutions together with MIT students to form six crackerjack video game development teams (and one sound design odd couple). Over nine weeks, we brainstormed, designed, illustrated, coded, argued, redesigned, recoded, and came out the other end with the 6 games we've featured on the site before.
For a taste of what the summer experience was like, check out the video at the following link:
September 10, 2007 3:01 PM
GAMBIT Makes News at GCA

Watching myself on the evening news in Singapore was a most surreal experience. I had flown in to the country just a few days earlier to help organize and promote GAMBIT's presence at the Games Convention Asia (GCA), and to represent the MIT side of the project as one of the team leaders from our inaugural summer session. I got a sense of just how interested people would be about our project, and the amount of scrutiny our games would receive, when keynote speaker and Singaporean cabinet member Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan described GAMBIT as an important pillar in Singapore's strategy to become a major hub in the Asian games industry. At the mention, a collective shiver of excitement seized our group, which was comprised of GAMBIT executive director Teo Chor Guan, fellow MIT traveler Trey Reyher, and many of the student interns we had befriended during our intense summer of work together.
September 5, 2007 9:00 PM
Would You Like to Play a Game?
The first-ever GAMBIT summer session has just ended and the Singaporean students have all returned home, leaving those of us still Stateside with a some great memories, and, oh yes, the games! We're starting to post this summer's creations to our Load Game section for the world to download and try out.
September 4, 2007 10:19 AM
CNN on GAMBIT and AudiOdyssey
One of the summer 2007 GAMBIT teams was just featured on CNN, so please read the following headline in your best James Earl Jones: "Video Games' New Frontier: The Visually Impaired." The game, AudiOdyssey, is a rhythm game designed to be equally enjoyable to both the sighted and the blind. Check out the article and then check out the game!