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Part Ten of the GAMBIT Summer Summit Videos: Jason Haas/Education Arcade

Part Ten of the GAMBIT Summer Summit 2011 Videos: Jason Haas from The Education Arcade / MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program gives a talk entitled: "The More We Know: Inside NBC News' iCue, and Why It Didn't Work". Every summer at the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab, students from Singapore and the US work with GAMBIT researchers and development teams on novel game concepts, and visiting researchers spend that time research gaming related topics across a variety of fields. Back on July 6th, 2011, we drew back the curtains in the middle of the summer to provide insights into our current game development and research activities during the inaugural GAMBIT Summer Summit.Video Produced by Generoso Fierro, Edited by Garrett Beazley

Part Ten of the GAMBIT Summer Summit 2011 Videos

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