Talent is the essential ingredient to success in game development. The MIT Enterprise Forum's New England Games SIG provides a look at the state of collaboration between industry and academia with this panel discussion.
How can we build a stronger pipeline of talent and what more can be done to improve the number and quality of graduates from schools in the region? This panel of game industry veterans and academic leaders will discuss this topic, as well as provide an overview of the Massachusetts Digital Game Institute's (MassDigi) outreach from K-12 to colleges/ universities across the Commonwealth and MassDigi's industry focused programs. In addition, colleges from around the region will provide an overview of their video game programs.
Moderated by Robert Ferrari of Bare Tree Media, the panel will include Tim Loew of Becker College, Philip Tan of the MIT Gambit Game Lab, Monty Sharma of MassDigi, Terrence Masson of Northeastern, Mark Claypool of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and Mary Jane Begin of the Rhode Island School of Design.
6:00pm - 7:00pm: Networking & Light Appetizers, Refreshments
7:00pm - 8:15pm: Panel
8:15pm - 9:00pm: Post-Panel Networking
Come early or stay late to enjoy light appetizers/drinks and to network with your peers. The event will be held on December 1, 2011 from 6pm - 9pm at the Microsoft NERD Center (One Memorial Drive, Cambridge).
More details on the MIT Enterprise Forum site.
Registration is required! Please register here.