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Game Career Guide interviews the Showtime team!

A new interview has gone live over at – and it's with the dev team for CarneyVale: Showtime! (Okay, well, it's programmer Bruce Chia talking into that microphone, but he's speaking for all of 'em.)

From the interview:

GCG: In terms of mechanics, what existing games influenced this game? How?

BC: We referenced many games as we were all gamers ourselves. Some of the more obvious ones include Pinball for the environment setup to get the character from the bottom to the top through obstacles; Super Mario Galaxy for its stars system which helps replay value; N+ for its map editor; and the Tony Hawk series for its trick system.

Our initial idea was also influenced by Burnout: Paradise, and we originally had our character crashing through the environment to gain points, as mentioned earlier.

Lastly, one type of game that had a subtle influence on this game is actually soccer games. Although it is not immediately apparent, the main character is actually like a ball and it is being passed to different environment objects, which are like the soccer players, and scored into a Ring of Fire, which is like a goal post. We realized this as we were brainstorming for new ideas after we found that the crashing idea did not work out well and decided that this was a really exciting idea, which brought about what the game is today.

Bruce provides a lot of valuable insight into how Showtime was created – swing by and check it out!

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