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Nick Arcidy
Art: Elude
Nick Arcidy is a creative person who is hungry for illustration. Currently a junior at the Rhode Island School of Design, he spends an unhealthy (extremely healthy) majority of his time creating art. Working at Gambit, he applies his passion for the arts to another interest of his: the gaming industry. His work can be seen on his online portfolio, www.StudioAngelo.com. |
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Garret Beazley
Video Editing: Research Podcasts
Garrett Beazley is a Film/Video senior at the Massachusetts College of Art. Pursuing an interest in video editing, Garrett joined the GAMBIT Game Lab in September 2009 as the video podcast editor and also spends most of his spare time either watching movies or playing video games. While his history of video making goes back to his high school days, Garrett has been playing video games for most of his life, leading to the difficult decision of whether to major in Film or 3D Animation. Garrett spent his first year of college at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He applied for the Film/Animation major but ended up in New Media Interactive Development where he learned the depths of Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash. After his first year, Garrett moved to Boston to continue his pursuit of film and gained a real talent for the Final Cut Studio editing software. Video editing became a hobby very quickly and he continued it as he studied at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, followed by MassArt as of fall 2009. Not long after, Garrett joined the GAMBIT team and is thoroughly enjoying the combination of his two favorite hobbies in the workplace. |
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Naftali Beder
Art: Elude
Naftali Beder loves illustration, game design, and math. He graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2010, and he plays the bassoon. |
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Jason Beene MIT
GAMBIT US Lab Art Director
Game Director: Symon Jason Beene is GAMBIT's Art Director, helping our team breathe life into the zeros and ones. Previously, Jason served as Studio Art Director of an internal THQ development group. During those 7 years, Jason was instrumental in the production of numerous Nintendo handheld titles and had the opportunity to work with the likes of Pixar and Nickelodeon. His time at THQ was proudly spent doing everything from pixel pushing to managing/mentoring a talented art staff. Additionally, as an alumni of the Rhode Island School of Design illustration department, Jason aims to offer both industry insight and his own creative talents to help further the efforts of GAMBIT. His artblog can be found at http://jasonbeene.blogspot.com. Specialties: visual arts, digital art, video game art, video game industry |
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Jason Begy
Research Associate
Graduate Alumni, CMS SM'10 Product Owner, Design, Documentation: Tipping Point (Digital) Jason Begygraduated from Canisius College in 2005 with a Bachelor of Arts in English, and in 2008 earned a Master's degree in Professional Writing and Information Design from Northeastern University. Continuing the process of avoiding a career, he then came to CMS as a graduate student where he wrote his master's thesis on the use of metaphor in game criticism and design. Current projects include ongoing research into casual games and modes of representation in games. He blogs about board game semiotics at gamebits.tumblr.com.
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Anuj Bheda
Assistant Producer: Symon
Anuj is an undergraduate at the Nanyang Technological University pursuing his Major in Computer Engineering with a Minor in Entrepreneurship. Introduced to computers at a young age, Anuj has been passionate about technology since his childhood and aspires to build a blockbuster gaming series. While not on the computer, Anuj enjoys a bit of reading, building with Lego and listening to music. His latest updates can be found at www.anujbheda.com. |
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Kenny Chong Ding Siang
Im friendly and approachable, love to play and (sometimes) to work. Friends and family matter to me alot, and I like hugs! |
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Gina Chow Wai Kuan
Gina is a third-year IT student from Ngee Ann Polytechnic who loves Excel spreadsheets, cats, and blue hair. She has recently migrated from MMOs such as WoW and EQ2 to the casual gaming scene, and enjoys both time-management and social games. Her spare time is usually spent trawling the internet to find another lol-worthy YouTube video to annoy her friends with. |
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Jay Chua
Programmer: Elude
Jay Chua is currently a third year student pursuing a course in Digital Entertainment Technology at Nanyang Polytechnic Singapore. Since young, he has always been very keen to develop video games. Jay created his first game at the age of 13 writing its logic and also draws the art of each individual sprites. He is specialize in merging static art and programming mechanics together to produce visual that flows in a game. The fulfilling experience gained when creating a game is what kept him moving forward. He also achieved the Best Technical game in the 2009 Code-a-thon competition. Other than being a game programmer, Jay also enjoys doing digital portrait and playing video games during his free time. He hopes to open up a video game studio in the future to gather the best talents around. |
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Genevieve Conley
Genevieve Conley is a fourth year student in the Brain and Cognitive Science program at MIT. She began her 'work' at GAMBIT in prototype design and subsequently moved on to help produce a live-action game for GAMBIT's debut at PAX East, 2010. This opportunity has left her thoroughly terrified of large groups of people. Conley is particularly interested in designing games for academic and corporate educational applications. When not in lab, she can be found playing, watching, or writing about videogames and, occasionally, doing classwork. |
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Kelvin Wira Diputra
Art: Afterland
Hi There! My name is Kelvin. I came from Jakarta, Indonesia. After I finish my high school, I went straight to Singapore to get a diploma of multimedia design in NAFA. I love arts and design. My passion drives me from one project to another, and my determination push my self to another level of competency and competition. I love making new friends, sharing ideas and knowledges with other people. I'm looking forward to the future of animation and game industry, while expecting to see my old friends and colleagues holding the key of tomorrow's history. |
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Clara Fernández-Vara
GAMBIT US Lab Research Associate
Product Owner: Symon Clara Fernández-Vara is a Research Associate at the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab. Her research concentrates on the development of videogame theory, focusing on adventure games and the design of players' experience with the aid of storytelling. She is particularly interested in cross-media artifacts from the standpoint of textual analysis and performance. Clara holds a BA in English Studies by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2000), and was awarded a fellowship from the La Caixa Foundation to pursue a Masters in Comparative Media Studies from MIT (2004). She is a PhD candidate in Digital Media from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and is writing her thesis while she is not doing work for GAMBIT, or playing games, or watching movies, or reading books. |
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Rik Eberhardt MIT
GAMBIT US Lab Studio Manager
Game Director: Elude As Studio Manager for the GAMBIT US Lab Rik Eberhardt's current duties include maintaining the ever growing array of servers, lab computers, websites, and databases generated by our research projects, procuring and distributing equipment, and providing hands-on support for CMS faculty, students, researchers, and staff. A 2002 graduate from the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA, he received his Bachelor of Arts with a Literary & Cultural Studies concentration in Postmodern Literature, 'Cyberpunk' Science Fiction, and Contemporary Japanese Literature in Translation. His previous professional experience was as a Desktop and Lab Systems Technician for Lesley University in Cambridge, MA. The ending to Shadow of the Colossus made him cry. |
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Bianca Farrell
Designer: PAX POX
After being raised by a cold, unfeeling Playstation console, Bianca (2011) chose to protect the world of imagination and dedicate her life to video game design. She is currently majoring in Comparative Media Studies and works at GAMBIT where she surprisingly finds ways to incorporate Legos and Play-Doh into all of her activities. In her spare time, Bianca can be found playing her shiny, new Nintendo DSi, eating, or sleeping in various locations on campus. |
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Foo Kim Li
QA Lead: Elude
I'm a passionate gamer who likes to play MMORPGs, PC games and flash games. I also like to watch Japanese anime and play several sports (badminton, rollerblade, cycling). I'm currently a year 3 student pursuing my passion in IT (especially programming) in NP, ICT. To me, learning is a never ending process and having the passion keeps me going on. |
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Jacquelin Frank
Art: Sophocles
Jacquelin Frank is an undergraduate at the Rhode Island School of Design and will graduate this spring of 2010 with a BFA in Illustration. She will go on to hopefully do concept art as a career, cover illustrations, or children's book illustrations. Her art is creating single illustrations based on creatures, animals, and fantasy environments. Her passions include music, soccer, paintball, collecting Beast-wars transformers and stuffed animals. |
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Jennifer Fu
Jennifer Fu is a current MIT freshman majoring in Management and Comparative Media Studies. Her interests lie a bit more heavily in anime and manga than in video games, but it's all good; she loves being active of this kind of intense and energetic creative experience. In her spare time, she enjoys reading/writing/drawing manga, karaoke, and daydreaming about everything. |
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Shiva Garg
QA Lead: Poikilia
My name is Shiva ( I was named after the Indian God of destruction ha ha ) and I will be the Quality Assurance lead for GAMBIT this summer. I love life. I'm overflowing with energy at most times and I continuously need some kind of output channel to keep myself from exploding ;) Apart from playing an insanely high amount of PC games, I enjoy playing/ watching soccer, reading, travelling and partying. Sometimes I like to sit by myself in a pub with a good book and a huge mug of tap beer. My favorite emotion is laughing through tears :) I believe that whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. To borrow a quote from 'Fight Club': "I ran. I ran until my muscles burned and my veins pumped battery acid. Then I ran some more." |
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Adalberto "Nick" Garza
Adalberto "Nick" Garza writes: "I'm an ex-rancher, now 3rd year CMS undergrad who currently wants to work in educational games. My spare time activities include exploring the internet, video games, plotting out zombie survival scenarios, and cursing at Computer. I occasionally dabble in programming, only to swear after every project 'Never Again'." |
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Jeremy Goh
Jeremy is currently an undergraduate from the NTU Interactive Media Program at the School of Art, Design and Media. Essentially, he is a musician and tech geek at heart and is open to exploring anything sonically-related. He mostly listens to material that relates to pop, rock, blues, jazz and fusion. Nothing beats an awesome jam at the jazz club. As a part- time, he plays the drums and percussion. In his free time, he likes to do some recording and audio post work. With his spare time, he fiddles with audio gear and scours the Net for good deals. As leisure, he plays the keyboards and whatever other instruments that crosses his path. Apart from his dearest family and friends, he loves his Macbook Pro and iPhone. In the future, Jeremy seeks to contribute to the new media scene with his sonic creations. |
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Andrew Grant MIT
GAMBIT US Lab Technical Director
Game Director: Improviso Thanks to two wonderfully dedicated game-playing grandmothers, Andrew Grant started playing games before he could hold the cards. From there, he went on to explore board games, strategy games, role-playing games, and computer games. This exploration shows no signs of slowing down. Andrew graduated from MIT in 1993 with Bachelor's degrees in both Computer Science and Mathematics (6 and 18, darnit) and a minor in Creative Writing. After 6 months in the real world, he discovered that someone would actually pay him to design and program computer games, so he returned to his gamer roots by joining Looking Glass Technologies, and then DreamWorks Interactive. Since then, Andrew has survived 10 years as a programmer-for-hire and independent developer in projects ranging from underwater robotics to yet more games. Now, Andrew is the Technical Director for GAMBIT, applying his rather eclectic skillset to the wide array of technologies used in the lab. Specialties: computer programming, computer game development, game design, tabletop role playing games |
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Stanley Gunawan
Programmer: Elude
Easy going person who are very flexible and accommodative. Love games. Love challenges. Love travelling. Dying for adventure! |
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Haw Shijun
Programmer: Improviso
Haw Shijun recently graduated from the National University of Singapore with an honours degree in Computer Science. He's crazy about computer graphics and continues to remain undaunted by it despite numerous difficulties with his own rendering engine. At times, he ventures into forbidden C++ territory, reinventing all kinds of wheels just to see how fast he could make things go. His passions started when he signed on for an internship at EA Singapore, where he worked on tools and other things for FIFA Online 2. When heís not programming he dives into his collection of 21 books on graphics and game development to learn everything he can to hone his skills and improve his chances at getting employed at a game studio. When not in front of a computer or his PS3, he spends time building and painting model cars, tanks & aircraft. |
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Jason Haas
Product Owner, Script Writer: Poikilia
Jason Haas is a Research Manager and Designer in The Education Arcade. His research focuses on the design and efficacy of learning games. His interests include media, collaboration, learning, information flow, and the workings of large organizations. In his spare time, he's a improvisor/technologist/filmmaker in the almost-live improvised video troupe Neutrino Boston. He holds a B.A. in Film Studies from Wesleyan University, and a M.Ed. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Technology, Innovation and Education program. |
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Naomi Hinchen
Programmer: Poikilia
Naomi Hinchen is a junior majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Theater Arts; making video games is one of the few areas that allows her to combine both. When not programming she enjoys writing thirty-day novels, cooking, acting, playing the harmonica, and making elaborate period costumes that she hardly ever gets to wear. However, she is often sidetracked from the above activities by the sweet, sweet siren call of the Internet. Oh, TV Tropes Wiki, why must you fascinate me so? |
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Jason Hwang
QA Lead: Symon
Jason Hwang asked himself what he could be happy with doing for the rest of his life, the answer struck him while he was watching the "behind the scenes" bonus content of Jade Empire, Republic Commando and Prince of Persia. He is now currently a 3rd year student of Singapore Polytechnics Diploma in Games Design & Development, with a strong technical understanding of generating 3d content, as well as a love for the process of making games, teamwork, and the technology involved. Having a passion for the QA and development processes, he aspires to one day play a larger role in the creative process. He also played Jade Empire at least once with every character, including Monk Zeng. |
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Sher Iqbal Texeira
Audio Designer: Afterland
Currently awaiting for my Degree In Audio Production to commence in October 2010. I took a gap year to experience the industry life, given the chance by SAE Institute to be a Technical Support Officer where i would help out with future prospects of the media world, trouble shooting and day to day advise on how they can be groomed to be industry standard professionals in their chose field. I was also given the opportunity by Focal Pro Audio Solutions to be their in-house audio engineer dealing with band recordings, post-productions and Television Commercials. I play drums for a local band, Summer's Over, (http://www.myspace.com/summersover). I also do photography on the side mainly landscape, concerts and portraits, (http:www.flickr.com/ sheriqbal). I love experimenting and i am always up to learn something new. I consider myself the new hybrid of geeks around - Don't be fooled by my Transformers Tattoos :). |
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Wisnu Irawan
Art: Poikilia
Currently I'm in my last year of study in Lasalle College of Art: Animation course. I started playing video games when i was 5. And back then, i thought Goro from Mortal Combat is the scariest thing ever, but then i grew up being a massive fan of fighting games. I also enjoy good RPGs and strategy games. And i believe that 'passion' does keep you sane. Therefore, I draw. I colour. I animate. |
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Kang Hean Jin
Programmer: Symon
A programmer who likes what he's doing and is adequately good at it. Generally likes most Japanese stuff, like manga and anime. Fairly picky when it comes to standard of work too. Tends to look tired. Likes making friends, though. (Yep, approach me. :D) |
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Muhammad Khadafi
Programmer: Improviso
I'm Khadafi, an Indonesian gamer who move to study and work to become a game developer at Singapore to avoid the software piracy ridden condition in my country. I've been addicted to gaming since Full Throttle in 1995, and been motivated to become a game developer after playing The Sims. My aim is to create a game that will become mainstream across disciplines that everyone can indulge and enjoy. |
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Sharon Kho Chia Wen
Audio Designer: Improviso
Hi my name is Sharon. I love music and fashion. I have 2 siblings a younger brother and a older sister, loving parents and 9 love birds. Getting this opportunity is something I didn't expected so I am really excited about going there. And I can't wait to create and compose for the games. |
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Cheryl Kook
Cheryl Kook is actually a pretty average person. Having vandalized all her books since she was four, she eventually realized that drawing could be a legal occupation. She's currently striving towards becoming an awesome concept artist/illustrator (world domination is next). She loves cookies, cake and ice cream, so if you have any of those, be warned. She's also generally associated with round things. |
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Aaron "H" Krish
Designer: Afterland
Hi. I'm a logical thinker sorta person, always willing to lend a helping hand. I'm constantly improving myself mentally and am always eager to learn new things. My current interests are in personality psychology, philosophy and the search for new game innovations. I believe in always doing what is right, regardless of being acknowledged of the good deed or not. |
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Lee Xuanyun Calista
Producer: Improviso
Calista graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor in Electrical Engineering and Minor in Japanese Studies. Although this is her first time being involved in game development as an assistant producer, she has had some experience with game programming and design in school projects. She likes playing Action/RPG games (and is perpetually on the lookout for fellow Monster Hunters!), but is unfortunately horrible at FPS. In her spare time, she plays the drums (though not so much now), reads a little, does a some translation work, and watches Japanese comedians do strange things on national TV. |
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Yue Li
Yue Li was born in Beijing, China in 1988. He moved to the United States in 1995 and has lived on the East Coast ever since, but a calling to the west has been strong as of late. He currently resides in Providence, RI and attends the Rhode Island School of Design pursuing a BFA in Illustration and a liberal arts concentration in creative writing. |
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Liew Min Shan
Producer: Afterland
Liew Min Shan is an undergraduate at the Lee Kong Chian School of Business at the Singapore Management University majoring in Marketing. He enjoys analysing games as much as he does playing them, and is particularly interested in the business strategies behind the gaming industry. Apart from gaming Min Shan also enjoys photography, playing the piano and chilling out in bars with friends. He hopes that GAMBIT will provide him with the skills required to work in the gaming industry. |
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Lim Kang Ming Kenny
QA Lead: Afterland
Kenny Lim is a School of Computing undergraduate majoring in Communications and New Media (with specialization in Games), at the National University of Singapore. His first gaming experience with Super Mario Bros. when he was three had more or less sealed his fate as a compulsive gamer who plays all genres indiscriminately. This obsession had even led him to learn the Japanese language in a bid to widen his horizons of games. He hopes to translate obsession into passion for developing games that will one day shape the life of others -- like how they have shaped his today. He occasionally blogs about games and technology at http://www.GeekStrike. com, and if you ever meet his online moniker, xK3nnyx, do say hi! :) |
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Eugene Lim Kian Hao
Producer: Elude
I have been playing games since 10, i don't think i will stop till i'm gone. I always wanted to create some game to be a big hit like all the titles you can name; FFs, Starcraft, WOW, Call Of Duty:Modern Warfare 2, etc... Making games and bring enjoyment to the world, that what i would love to do. My Dream, My Goal, My Life... =p |
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Michael Lin
Designer: Poikilia
Michael Lin is an MIT 2011 majoring in Comparative Media Studies and Materials Science & Engineering. He loves talking movies, television, and games with people who really know what they're talking about, and consequently was naturally attracted to CMS and GAMBIT. He's especially interested in designing games, but doesn't mind playing them when instructed to do so. He'll play just about anything he can get his hands on, but confesses a soft spot for RPGs and action-adventure games. |
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Anna Loparev
Anna Loparev is a senior studying computer science and mathematics at Wellesley College. She began her video game career in the spring of 2008 as a test lead, but plans to try out her programming skills once she fully develops them. A gamer since the age of nine, she enjoys all genres but has a small place in her heart for puzzle games. |
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Konstantin Mitgutsch
Visiting Researcher
Product Owner: Afterland
Konstantin Mitgutsch is a Max Kade visiting researcher at the Education Arcade. He worked in the fields of learning, media studies, computer games and age rating systems at the University of Vienna for several years. His research focuses on learning processes in computer games and in particular on the role of passion, disappointment, failure and confrontation in gameplay experiences. In his project titled "Re-Learning Patterns in Computer Games" supported by the Max Kade Foundation New York, Mitgutsch investigates central learning patterns that foster recursive and deep forms of learning in games. He studied Media Education and Philosophy of Education at the University of Vienna and the Humboldt University Berlin and earned a MA in Education Science, Sociology, Media Studies and Philosophy (2003) and a Ph.D. in 2009. He is participating as an expert member for the Austrian Federal Office for the Positive Assessment of Computer and Console Games and is on the expert council of the Pan European Game Information (PEGI). Since 2007 he organizes the annual Vienna Games Conference FROG. |
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Rey Neo
Rey Neo is a final year student from Nanyang Polytechnic in Singapore pursuing a diploma in Digital Entertainment Technology (Games Programming). He is very passionate about programming and a has a strong interest in games development. He started tinkering with simple game creation tools like RPG Toolkit and Game Maker at the age of 12 and has since moved on to coding in more advanced languages like VB, Actionscript, Java, etc with C++ and OpenGL as his primary development tools. When not programming, he enjoys long distance running, inline-skating, hiking and adventure sports. He is also into photography and enjoys taking candid shots of people, when they least expect it. |
Jessica Novellia Ng
Art: Symon
Jessica Novellia Ng is an aspiring artist and a film enthusiast. Jessica has spent the last three years studying design and media at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, where she has learned about animation, interactive media, filmmaking and an exposure to game design and development. She loves art as it liberates and communicates oneís creative mind to different kinds of media and levels of experience. The creation of art itself inhales mixed emotions and notions to her life just like pop rocks. Jessica aspires to contribute to the creative industry with two main passions that lie on two words: creativity and possibility. |
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Aleksey "Alex" Nitsenko
Programmer: Poikilia
Hi, I'm Alex. Iím a games programming student and I do like games ofany nature, not the video ones only. Apart from the games I also enjoy reading books and taking photographs. But the greatest pleasure for me is to work with the people devoting much attention to their favorite occupation. |
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Marleigh Norton MIT
Marleigh Norton is the prototyping manager for the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab and a research manager for the Teacher Education Program's Outdoor Augmented Reality project at the Columbus Zoo. A recent addition to TEP, Marleigh brings years of design experience from both the commercial and academic sectors. Her recent work as an interaction designer for the Waterford Research Institute aimed to teach reading, math, and science to young children through the use of educational games. She holds a master's degree in human-computer interaction from Georgia Tech, where she created an augmented reality 3-D puzzle game. New interaction paradigms are a major interest of hers, and past projects have included collaborative touch-screens for the NASA Ames Research Center and voice user interfaces for major telephone companies. |
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Muhammad Firman Osman
Art: Improviso
I am a simple, easy going, fun type of person. Enjoy the simple things in live while still wanting to strive for more. I am still very much a dreamer. Still fantasize that I would one day don some spandex suit and become some real superhero like Batman. Or a suit of armour like Iron Man. Or saving a princess from some fire breathing dragon like Conan. I love to draw. Has been my passion as a kid. I have no idea where it can lead me too. I like to draw when I can. Bus, train, in a fast food joint, etc. Since I practically croaked when I sing, fumble when I strum a guitar, maybe drawing can get me somewhere. Apart from that, I got a loose mouth. I can just talk crap. So much crap at times, I regret saying some of it later. But like a friend told me "Once you piss in the sea, you will never get your piss back". Though I can be a motor-mouth to my friends, I have trouble speaking to new people. I will suddenly stutter, stumble and roll. Yup, I belong to the millions and millions of males who is in need of a life outside my house. And yes, I love video games. |
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Scot Osterweil
Product Owner: Poikilia
Scot Osterweil leads several Education Arcade projects promoting learning in math, literacy, history, science and foreign language. Formerly the Senior Designer at TERC, a research & development center devoted to math and science education, he designed Zoombinis Island Odyssey, winner of the 2003 Bologna New Media Prize, and the most recent game in the Zoombinis line of products (Riverdeep/TLC). He is the creator of the Zoombinis, and with Chris Hancock he co-designed the multi-award winning Logical Journey of the Zoombinis, and its first sequel, Zoombinis Mountain Rescue. He is the also the designer of the games Switchback and Yoiks!. Scot's other software designs included work on InspireData (Inspiration Software). He has participated in research on the role of computer games in learning, and on the use of video in data collection and representation. He previously worked in television, on the production of Public Television's Frontline, Evening at Pops, and American Playhouse, and as an animator on a wide range of programs. He is a graduate of Yale College with a degree in Theater Studies. |
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Glenn Marcel
Art: Improviso
As an art student, I'm interested in both the artistic as well as the technical aspects of art. My main interest lies in the world of 2D and 3D animation. Working in a game industry has always been my passion and i am really looking forward to this summer program. |
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Poh Zi Qun, A.K.
I'm a foundation student in School of Art, Design & Media(ADM), NTU who loves paintings and illustrations, as well as concept art and film. Taking keen interest in tension and emphasis of angular and dynamic, I was brought further to the desire to make pictures move. I'm thrilled to join the program, hoping to enhance and infuse my favourite painterly style into my future works. |
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Melvyn Qwek
Programmer: Afterland
Melvyn Qwek is a final-year student from Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) pursuing a diploma in Digital Entertainment Technology majoring in Games Programming. He has a very strong passion in games development, especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence. In his rare free time, he likes to play games like Ace Combat 6 and Grand Theft Auto 4. |
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Reuben Shaun Raman
Audio Designer: Poikilia
My name is Reuben Raman and audio engineering is my passion. From a tender age of 15, I have been fiddling with audio gear and music and now I run my own music production business, SoundFarm Production Studios. I deal with mostly audio production operations and have recorded and mixed with various local artist and churches. |
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Mike Rapa MIT
GAMBIT US Lab Technology Support Specialist
Art: Tipping Point Digital, Art: PAX POX Additional Art: Ochos Locos, Rosemary As Technology Support Specialist, Michael Rapa is the first point of contact for CMS and GAMBIT technical support. A graduate of The Art Institute of Boston, Rapa received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2007 with focus on Graphic Design and Digital Illustration. He is an avid member of the global video gaming community, regularly sacrificing several hours of his day to owning n00bs. His previous professional experience was as a Desktop, Lab Systems, and A/V Technician for Lesley University in Cambridge, MA. |
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Doris C. Rusch
Product Owner: Elude
Doris C. Rusch holds a postdoctoral position with the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab in the Programme at Comparative Media Studies at MIT. Before that she did postdoctoral work at the Institute for Design and Assessment of Technology at Vienna University of Technology. In her habilitation project titled "Once More with Meaning", Rusch investigates the medium specific characteristics of digital games and their potential to produce a wide range of emotionally satisfying and deeply meaningful experiences. Although her work is theory-driven, she aims at applicability of her research to actual game design with the goal of pushing the boundaries of games as media. Rusch has an eclectic background having completed studies in German Literature, Philosophy, English and Comparative Literature at the University of Vienna, where she also received her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics. Her work in computer game studies is part of a larger interest in "narrative worlds" that expands over books, comics, and films. |
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Amanda Seah
Art: Poikilia
I would describe myself as positive and funloving. I believe in hardwork am enthusiastic about taking up new challenges in life. |
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Sean Sinclair
Audio Designer: Elude
Sean M. Sinclair is always seeking ways to innovate and improve audio production quality. His extensive background in music allows him to compose thoughtful, intricate pieces that incorporate elements of various styles |
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Elson Soh
Designer: Improviso
Elson is an aspiring game designer from Singapore who loves creating new worlds and characters for people to immerse themselves in. He loves having fun and enjoys doing a variety of different activities such as jamming, martial arts training, cycling, partying, clubbing and drinking. Elson believes in living his life to the fullest and constantly pushes himself onward to pursue his dreams so as not to have any regrets when he grows old.If you're the type who loves to party and enjoys going out for drinks. |
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Abe Stein
Abe Stein began making goofy noises when he was very young, creating detailed action sequences and death defying car chases on the kitchen floor with his G.I. Joes and Matchbox cars. Having since been enlightened to the capabilities of recording technology, Abe can still be found in front of a microphone trying to replicate the sound of a 1986 IROC-Z engine with his mouth. Abe graduated from Haverford College with a Bachelor's degree in Religion, and studied audio engineering and sound design at the Center for Digital Imaging Arts of Boston University. A one-time high school English and History teacher, his sound design, music and mix work can be heard on a variety of educational videos, long and short form documentary films, various promotional shorts, and on the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim animated series Assy McGee. Abe comes to the GAMBIT having most recently worked as a sound designer for Blue Fang Games, makers of the Zoo Tycoon franchise. As Audio Director at GAMBIT, Abe is looking forward to exploring new ways to improve the efficacy of sound in games to help create compelling, evocative and meaningful experiences. Specialties: Vroom, Clang, Zip, Click, Pop, and Boom. |
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Su Qin
Programmer: Afterland
I am a undergraduate of Computer Science at the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore. The reason I choose this major is that, I have a dream, one day I can bring people happiness and dreams with the game I created. Now I'm on the way to make it come true. I love all the things about game and I'd like to explore all the posibilities about games. Besides games, I also love music, food and cats. |
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Caroline Sugianto
Programmer: Symon
Caroline is currently studying game programming at DigiPen. When torn from her computer, she also enjoys classical music, rainy days (only if there's no thunder), and taking long walks (or any combination of the 3!). |
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Mark Sullivan III
Programmer: Afterland
Mark Sullivan III is an undergraduate at MIT, class of 2010. An obsession with videogames drove him to learn programming, so now he's returning the favor. When not gaming, he can often be found sleeping or eating. He's probably gaming, though. He's been a bit of a Nintendo fanboy his whole life, drawn to games such as Zelda and Metroid, but he'll play anything. |
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Bassil Tabidi
Programmer: PAX POX
Bassil Tabidi is a student in Computer Science at MIT slated to graduate in 2012. Sometime in between 1999 and 2000, he had an awkward moment, and for some reason, Y2K happened. When he has the time, Bassil "pwns" kids in the game Counter-Strike, and not the cheesy graphically intensive Source, but the one released in 99, which is why he is critical to play a really nice looking game, because the gameplay might be sub par. Bassil has seen a professional CS player play a wookie in a 1 v 1. At PAX East. |
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Tan Jiat Meng Timothy
Producer: Producer
Timothy Tan is an old fashioned, God lovin', gear hoarding guitarist who spends his time torturing anyone nearby with his 'insane' guitar skills, in the non-traditional sense of the word. He firmly believes that his hands were made perfectly for the Xbox 360 controller. When he's not kicking Covenant butt, he juggles between reading, music, looking at guitars, tennis, looking at more guitars, and searching for the ever elusive Holy Grail of Tone. He is very grateful to the guys at GAMBIT for the chance to not only further his love for all things computer games, but to also torture people living abroad with his guitar playing. He is currently majoring in Interactive Media Design at the School of Art, Design & Media, NTU. |
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Justin Tan
Designer: Symon
Justin is currently in his third of year of study in Nanyang Technological University's Interactive Media degree programme. He has worked on numerous game ideas and prototypes. The body of his personal works consist of several individually- developed games, available and playable for free, completed between 2005 and 2007. He has interned at casual game studio Boomzap for a period lasting over a year. Apart from his strong affinity for gamemaking (and game-playing, needless to say), he also has a heart for web design and a keen interest in the arts. His particularly enjoys games that engage the player on a very personal and intimate level -- those that even if you could not term as "art", would nonetheless qualify as clearly poetic. |
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Tay In Ing
Designer: Elude/a>
Tay Ining is keen in New Media Art and often immerse herself in curiosity in order to discover more. This time, she found herself admiring the hidden fundamental structure of game design, alongside with the visual aesthetics and the workings of representational identity in the game. If you ever caught her signature uttering of "orrhhhh", followed by a brief pause in whatever she is doing, her inner afflatus is already on the verge of being dispersed at the contact with air. Anyway, I find it strange to describe her to you as she would only understand more about herself if you approach her directly and... lets find out more together! |
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Alec Thomson
Alec Thomson is a freshman planning to major in Computer Science and Mathematics. He first learned to program long ago by making video games with the good old LOGO writer in Microsoft DOS. For the past two summers, he's been teaching (crazy) kids how to make games at the TIC Computer Camp in Virginia. Alec probably plays too many video games and has a big collection of all shapes and sizes. |
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Angeline Toh
Art: Elude
Enjoys doodling, painting, gaming, purging money(and/or making people purge money), sitting unglamourously in front of the computer and doing silly things like failing Chemistry/Physics in order to get her parents to allow her into design school. Also likes buttered corn with a shitlooad of salt and therefore will loyally accompany a friend of mine in a charity show/kidney foundation and beg for money. ways to talk, think and teach learning. |
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Sara Verrilli MIT
Sara Verrilli has spent her professional career in the videogame industry, starting with the day she walked out of MIT's Course V graduate studies and into a position as QA Lead at Looking Glass Technologies for System Shock. However, her game organizing endeavors started much earlier; she helped found a role-playing club at her high school by disguising it as a bridge group. Since then, she's been a game designer, a product manager, a producer, and a QA manager, in no particular order. A veteran of both Looking Glass Technologies and Irrational Games, she's worked on eight major published games, and several more that never made it out the door. As Lead Producer at GAMBIT, she looks forward to corralling, encouraging, and exploring the creative chaos that goes into making great games, and figuring out just the right amount of order to inject into the process. And, while she still doesn't understand bridge, she does enjoy whist. |
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Davier Yoon
Art: Symon
Davier Yoon is an undergraduate from the School of Art, Design & Media in NTU. He mostly plays games while waiting and on the move, thanks to his phone. He likes to talk about tech stuff and gadgets, and is an internet junkie. He enjoys everything to do with making pretty pictures on the computer, ever since his first brush with Microsoft Paint when he was 10 (pun intended). This summer, he will be taking a hiatus from making animated short films to do art for games. |
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Matthew Weise
Matthew Weise is split right down the middle into equal parts gamer and cinephile, having attended film school before seguing into game studies and then game development. Matt is the lead game designer for the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab and a full-time gamer, which means he not only plays games on a variety of systems but he also completes (most of) them. When he's not playing games or getting obscure DVDs off eBay he's babbling on at length about games and movies to anyone who will listen. With a scholarly (aka nerdy) background in both film and games, his primary research interest lies in their transmedia relationship: in how they each can represent meaningful fictional universes differently. Matthew did his undergrad at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, where he studied film production before going rogue to design his own degree. He graduated in 2001 with a degree in Digital Arts, which included videogames (this was before Game Studies was a field). He continued his videogame research at MIT's Comparative Media Studies program where he examined how videogame theory and criticism differs between communities. As a CMS grad student he also worked at The Education Arcade, most notably collaborating on Revolution, a small-scale simulation of colonial America. After leaving MIT in 2004 Matt worked in mobile game development for a few years, occassionally doing some consultancy work, before returning to CMS and MIT in 2007 to work at the newly created Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab. |